Thursday, February 16, 2006

D & D's Diner

This little restaurant we had passed numerous times finally called out to us a few weeks ago. The service was good, the place was "nice" (frilly and filled with teddybears and hearts and other vomitous debris) and the food was.....ah....mediocre at best, but the kids liked it enough. We had a nice four seater table right next to the gas fireplace. A few nights ago we decided to stop in again and give it another try. I had the pickerel/shrimp platter with fries and slaw and a pepsi, Theo had a Mexican dish which was very hard to screw up and the girls had chicken and fries. The pickerel was bland and greasy, the shrimp was scary, and the fries were surely meant for one of the local pig farmers. I dared order dessert feeling they had to get something right, yet felt sure this would also end badly, so I ordered lemon meringue pie being the optimist. I had to peel the top layer of meringue off as it was rubber and the filling was far too tart and sweet while the crust was soggy. And now I will always associate the D & D Diner with the phrase "They did not once disappoint to disappoint me". I could honestly say the pepsi was the best part of that meal.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Rain Girl Makes Me Beam

I went to Rains school today to watch her do her speach. I forgot they have orals for primary kids too. She had to go first and took a few seconds and a lot of smiling and nodding from myself and her teacher to get going, but once she opened her mouth the words came out eloquently. I could not stop smiling at her. Even after she sat down and other children told their stories I kept looking over at her beaming like a mad idiot. She fidgeted and sucked her cheeks in and made fish faces. Later in the day we went to pick up Theo from school so for the drive I bought the girls a discman and two sets of headphones so they could listen to what they want. Its so cute watching them when Bohemian Rhapsody plays (one of their fave songs). Rain gets a far away look like the song is reaching her on a very deep level while Cassidy sings Galileo Galileo as Gowwawayo Gowwawayo. Tonight the song "Birdhouse in Your Soul" by They Might Be Giants was playing and they were both singing louder than I am sure they realized. The one lyric goes "Not to put too fine a pine on it, say I'm the only bee in your bonnet..." which Rain sings as "Not to put too fine a pine on it, say I'm the only bee you're a butthead..." Someday I will show her the real lyrics, but for now I will continue to use it as a constant happy pill.
Prayer of the Smoker or Thoughts On Watching Folks Flick Their Butts Everywhere

The world is my ashtray. I shall want.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Trip to Toronto

Went to visit some friends who were visiting Toronto from Sioux Lookout over the weekend. It was really nice to see them after so long. When you don't see a friend in roughly two years its surprising how much they change. I guess as we begin to age a little quicker it becomes more noticeable. We crashed at my sisters and husbands place later and had breakfast with them. Sis made banana and almond butter sandwiches which were actually pretty delicious. We then headed to Kids Sport to meet up with another couple and their kids for a play date before heading back to Dover. On the way out of Toronto as I approached the North Service Road to gain entry onto the 403, I began to accelerate through a green light when this person just cut right in front of me. They were coming from the south and turning west as I heading southward. I have no idea why this person tried to make the turn in conditions which were actually quite bad (freezing rain/sleet) making road conditions very slippery. In any case, I was forced to brake suddenly while trying not to hit the car next to me and could see that there was no way I could avoid hitting this person. As I braced for impact and listened to Theo say "Oh no. Oh my God" and caught a quick glimpse of the kids I thought we would be ok as the speed was not high enough to do huge damage. And by some twist of fate, after that eternity of waiting for contact, we were lucky enough to get away with a small "thunck". I pulled the car over and made sure everyone was ok and then exited the vehicle to assess the damage. No visible damage. And then I looked for the other driver and spied him/her/them driving away. The contact was audible and there was no doubt about impact, yet off they went. I tried to get the plate number, but they were too far away. Sure I am happy that it was not serious, but at that moment I could have killed that person. What kind of person drives away? I had my wife and two girls in the car with me and that coward drove away. All that person had to do was come over and apologize and I would have been cool with the whole thing. These things happen after all. But, to just drive away.... If ever I meet you there will be another hit and run. You will hit my fist with your face several times before I allow you to run away like the no-good coward you are. Why are people so damn stupid?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Cassidy vs. Daddy

The scene is Daddy walking into Cassidy's room which she has trashed totally.

Daddy: What the heck is going on in here? This is terrible. Clean this mess up now or you are going to get big trouble from daddy!


Not so good.
Nightmare on Rain St.

Rain related a nightmare she had last night. She was very dramatic.
Rain: "A boat full of people were being thrown off into the water where they were being eaten by giant anacondas. One anaconda yelled 'We are here to F-E-S-T all of you."

Theo: Do you mean f-e-a-s-t feast?

Rain: Oh *Shrugs shoulders and walks away*