Doom and Gloom
I watched the movie "Doom" last night. I did it because, even though I knew it wasn't going to be a good movie, I did play the game for awhile. So, it's a loyalty thing I guess. My take on it: Why is a restricted movie displaying nudity and extreme violence scripted as if it were written for children? Also, can anyone else picture "The Rock" playing Ray in "Rainman"?
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
The LonG ranger
Either a good cowboy name or a porno moniker. Maybe both. Actually, it is "Lon Granger" of the clan Geriatrics. I had just left a five year relationship that spurred my move from Sudbury back to my hometown of Sault Ste. Marie where I was meeting many new people who were of a completely different lot that I had historically camped with. These people were silly, bohemian, intelligent, nerdy but cool. My sister, after having been back in the Sault about a month, took me over to Lon's place to a small get-together and immediately I fell in with him. He was so mellow, wise for his young years, well read, thoughtful, deep, musical.... We started hanging out frequently, mostly wetting our whistles at the local watering holes including Algoma U. where we would play our guitars and sing on Thurs. night jam sessions at the pub. He was the first real friend I had and even though we have lost contact (our connection) I still often think about the impact he made on my life. He tuned me into Jack Kerouac, Tom Waits, Elvis Costello, Sal Bellows among others. He saw things in me that I had no idea were there and helped my confidence greatly. I don't think he realized until too late how dysfunctional I was then, being that up to that point my life was a relative mess. I felt like a king in those early days enjoying a popularity I had never known possible and will probably never know again. Of course, I had neither the maturity nor the mindset to cope with all that was happening in my new environment. It all went to my head and that was the beginning of the end. I stopped being a good friend to Lon (and others), mostly because I became self-absorbed with my problems (mostly self-made) and we all know there is no talking to someone in that space. I was working on a paper for University on Somerset Maugham's short story "Mr. Knowall" of which Lon helped me with. He came up with a fantastic spin on the story which I used and took full credit for (such was my need to feel others see me as intelligent) which is just one of many examples of how far above me as a human being he was then. He has been on my mind a lot of late mostly because I believe he was one of a few people who made a big impact on my life for the better. And, even though I was a crappy friend, I will always be thankful for his friendship and the great times I shared with him for in the end he made me a better person. The quiet guy who was maybe too nice and often got the raw end of the deal, but could still smile and not take it all to seriously for the most part (excluding mutual crying jags at the Jolly Cryer over lost loves).
Either a good cowboy name or a porno moniker. Maybe both. Actually, it is "Lon Granger" of the clan Geriatrics. I had just left a five year relationship that spurred my move from Sudbury back to my hometown of Sault Ste. Marie where I was meeting many new people who were of a completely different lot that I had historically camped with. These people were silly, bohemian, intelligent, nerdy but cool. My sister, after having been back in the Sault about a month, took me over to Lon's place to a small get-together and immediately I fell in with him. He was so mellow, wise for his young years, well read, thoughtful, deep, musical.... We started hanging out frequently, mostly wetting our whistles at the local watering holes including Algoma U. where we would play our guitars and sing on Thurs. night jam sessions at the pub. He was the first real friend I had and even though we have lost contact (our connection) I still often think about the impact he made on my life. He tuned me into Jack Kerouac, Tom Waits, Elvis Costello, Sal Bellows among others. He saw things in me that I had no idea were there and helped my confidence greatly. I don't think he realized until too late how dysfunctional I was then, being that up to that point my life was a relative mess. I felt like a king in those early days enjoying a popularity I had never known possible and will probably never know again. Of course, I had neither the maturity nor the mindset to cope with all that was happening in my new environment. It all went to my head and that was the beginning of the end. I stopped being a good friend to Lon (and others), mostly because I became self-absorbed with my problems (mostly self-made) and we all know there is no talking to someone in that space. I was working on a paper for University on Somerset Maugham's short story "Mr. Knowall" of which Lon helped me with. He came up with a fantastic spin on the story which I used and took full credit for (such was my need to feel others see me as intelligent) which is just one of many examples of how far above me as a human being he was then. He has been on my mind a lot of late mostly because I believe he was one of a few people who made a big impact on my life for the better. And, even though I was a crappy friend, I will always be thankful for his friendship and the great times I shared with him for in the end he made me a better person. The quiet guy who was maybe too nice and often got the raw end of the deal, but could still smile and not take it all to seriously for the most part (excluding mutual crying jags at the Jolly Cryer over lost loves).
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Kinda Like My Drunk Dad on Speed
I found this dude awhile ago. Sometimes he cracks me right up, but mostly he just really freaks me out.
I found this dude awhile ago. Sometimes he cracks me right up, but mostly he just really freaks me out.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Troubles Braids
For those of you finding this site via a Tom Waits search or lyric search for said song, I wholeheartedly apologize. Although I do mention Tom from time to time (rarely really) this is not a site dedicated to his genius. Perhaps in the future I will experience a moment of genius and rename this site something creative, original and meaningful. Not that Tom isn't meaningful nor Troubles Braids for that matter. Ahem. Ok.
For those of you finding this site via a Tom Waits search or lyric search for said song, I wholeheartedly apologize. Although I do mention Tom from time to time (rarely really) this is not a site dedicated to his genius. Perhaps in the future I will experience a moment of genius and rename this site something creative, original and meaningful. Not that Tom isn't meaningful nor Troubles Braids for that matter. Ahem. Ok.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
(Everyone's Talkin' 'bout) Pop Music
I used to watch Much Music and/or Much More Music almost religiously. Sure there were some really crap videos even back then (15 years ago or so), but it was a great way to get exposed to new music. I first saw Daniel Lanois on MM who has gone on to be one of today's greatest producers. Bands like Wheezer, Hawksley Workman, The Trajically Hip, were regulars on the air. Nowadays all I see is kids rapping about their ho's, how tough they gotsta be to make it in "the hood", how they gonna busta cap in yo ass or a steady diet of Brittany Speares, Jessica Simpson and Justin Timberlake along with all the Hollywood gossip on Paris Hilton. How is it that real music artists are taking a back seat to what the untrained ears of 13 year olds are wanting? How is it that our kids would rather hear the scoop on Lindsey Lohan over what David Suzuki is teaching? As a society, why do we continue to cater to the lowest common denominators and wallow in ignorant ecstasy? There are two women who do a bit on pop music today. They sing pop songs of today over each other i.e... "Oops I did it Again" and "Stronger". The point is to show you that they are exactly the same beat just sung in different phrasing. Sung together the each compliment the other. This is the state of today's pop music; that it has become a formula based on a few catchy beats that the music industry has ordained as sellable. There is the odd apparition out there that somehow makes it onto the charts, but overall today's music has become anything but artistic. On the other hand, mainstream pop music has helped to solidify the underground music scene making P2P sharing, University radio, Satellite radio, independent artists and labels etc... more and more available to the masses of those owning more discerning tastes. Bands like Broken Social Scene have had a "do-it-yourself" mentality in guiding their own careers and were pivotal in establishing Arts and Crafts as a viable label which has since added a number of new artists including Feist, Stars and Apostle of Hustle. Bands like The Grateful Dead and Pearl Jam have, with varying degrees of success, sectioned off part of a venue for "tapers" (people who record the live performances) with the stipulation that they not sell copies, but instead distribute the recordings freely. Today's artist understands that money and/or success is not to be made by the selling of CD's, but through developing a strong fanbase which generates success through touring and merchandise. Art shows such as CBC's "Zed" or Bravo's "Bravo!Videos" cater to a more intelligent/arty audience allowing relative unknowns to continue to have a voice in the corporate dominated market. Pop music may have entrenched itself in the mainstream media, but rest assured that the voices of true artists will not be quelled.
I used to watch Much Music and/or Much More Music almost religiously. Sure there were some really crap videos even back then (15 years ago or so), but it was a great way to get exposed to new music. I first saw Daniel Lanois on MM who has gone on to be one of today's greatest producers. Bands like Wheezer, Hawksley Workman, The Trajically Hip, were regulars on the air. Nowadays all I see is kids rapping about their ho's, how tough they gotsta be to make it in "the hood", how they gonna busta cap in yo ass or a steady diet of Brittany Speares, Jessica Simpson and Justin Timberlake along with all the Hollywood gossip on Paris Hilton. How is it that real music artists are taking a back seat to what the untrained ears of 13 year olds are wanting? How is it that our kids would rather hear the scoop on Lindsey Lohan over what David Suzuki is teaching? As a society, why do we continue to cater to the lowest common denominators and wallow in ignorant ecstasy? There are two women who do a bit on pop music today. They sing pop songs of today over each other i.e... "Oops I did it Again" and "Stronger". The point is to show you that they are exactly the same beat just sung in different phrasing. Sung together the each compliment the other. This is the state of today's pop music; that it has become a formula based on a few catchy beats that the music industry has ordained as sellable. There is the odd apparition out there that somehow makes it onto the charts, but overall today's music has become anything but artistic. On the other hand, mainstream pop music has helped to solidify the underground music scene making P2P sharing, University radio, Satellite radio, independent artists and labels etc... more and more available to the masses of those owning more discerning tastes. Bands like Broken Social Scene have had a "do-it-yourself" mentality in guiding their own careers and were pivotal in establishing Arts and Crafts as a viable label which has since added a number of new artists including Feist, Stars and Apostle of Hustle. Bands like The Grateful Dead and Pearl Jam have, with varying degrees of success, sectioned off part of a venue for "tapers" (people who record the live performances) with the stipulation that they not sell copies, but instead distribute the recordings freely. Today's artist understands that money and/or success is not to be made by the selling of CD's, but through developing a strong fanbase which generates success through touring and merchandise. Art shows such as CBC's "Zed" or Bravo's "Bravo!Videos" cater to a more intelligent/arty audience allowing relative unknowns to continue to have a voice in the corporate dominated market. Pop music may have entrenched itself in the mainstream media, but rest assured that the voices of true artists will not be quelled.
World War III
The in-laws are visiting this weekend to help celebrate Rain's 8th bday. I have a cold which means my tolerence levels are low. George (my father-in-law) insists on discussing what constitutes a world war citing his wealth of knowledge gained through watching CNN. My mother-in-law (Steffi) has holed up in our bedroom watching Marlene Dietrich films of which she no doubt is taking pointers on melo-drama. I debate the pros and cons of taking copious amounts of drugs as a means of enticing the sun to come back out. I nod and smile and keep my mouth shut and concentrate on Rain being happy.
The in-laws are visiting this weekend to help celebrate Rain's 8th bday. I have a cold which means my tolerence levels are low. George (my father-in-law) insists on discussing what constitutes a world war citing his wealth of knowledge gained through watching CNN. My mother-in-law (Steffi) has holed up in our bedroom watching Marlene Dietrich films of which she no doubt is taking pointers on melo-drama. I debate the pros and cons of taking copious amounts of drugs as a means of enticing the sun to come back out. I nod and smile and keep my mouth shut and concentrate on Rain being happy.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Facing Today: My Twelve Steps to Coping
1) I will imbibe many liquids.
2) I will mope and generally be sucky.
3) I will blow my nose until it is raw.
4) I will watch lots of tv and sit in fromt of the computer for long periods.
5) I will be mostly lethargic.
6) I will sleep.
7) I will pretend my body does not ache.
8) I will pretend to be pleasant for I have not the energy to fulfill my murderous impulses.
9) I will occassionally drift off into incoherent thought.
10) I will order pizza for supper.
11) I will not work.
12) I will not cough up a lung or sneeze my nose off.
1) I will imbibe many liquids.
2) I will mope and generally be sucky.
3) I will blow my nose until it is raw.
4) I will watch lots of tv and sit in fromt of the computer for long periods.
5) I will be mostly lethargic.
6) I will sleep.
7) I will pretend my body does not ache.
8) I will pretend to be pleasant for I have not the energy to fulfill my murderous impulses.
9) I will occassionally drift off into incoherent thought.
10) I will order pizza for supper.
11) I will not work.
12) I will not cough up a lung or sneeze my nose off.
Check out this guys site and sample some of the tunes. I am not crazy about his vocals, but his instrumentals are amazing. Great player.
Check out this guys site and sample some of the tunes. I am not crazy about his vocals, but his instrumentals are amazing. Great player.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Life's a Hardrive My Friend
Sis has requested I post and when you're right you're right. You may notice that I am absent for long periods of time only to return to see I have posted 5 entries on one particular day. That's just me. I tend to get wrapped up in what I am doing at the time and neglect most everything else. The last few days have had me transferring my old life onto my new hardrive. For any of you who have not had the pleasure, it can be a timely matter, especially if you have to dig around for the right network and sound adaptors. The problem with buying from some computer companies is that your computer is supposed to be OEM (original equipment manufacturer) which means hardware like your hardrive is supposed to die with your computer as are the software programs that run it. By the way, OEM is somewhat of a misnomer. These companies are actually rebranding existing computers that they customize to the individuals tastes. In any case, there always seems to be something dragging me away from this blog so I must make more of an effort at being consistent. Then again, I spent last weekend on the beach with my two wonderful girls. *weighs* Beach or blog? Hmmmm.
Sis has requested I post and when you're right you're right. You may notice that I am absent for long periods of time only to return to see I have posted 5 entries on one particular day. That's just me. I tend to get wrapped up in what I am doing at the time and neglect most everything else. The last few days have had me transferring my old life onto my new hardrive. For any of you who have not had the pleasure, it can be a timely matter, especially if you have to dig around for the right network and sound adaptors. The problem with buying from some computer companies is that your computer is supposed to be OEM (original equipment manufacturer) which means hardware like your hardrive is supposed to die with your computer as are the software programs that run it. By the way, OEM is somewhat of a misnomer. These companies are actually rebranding existing computers that they customize to the individuals tastes. In any case, there always seems to be something dragging me away from this blog so I must make more of an effort at being consistent. Then again, I spent last weekend on the beach with my two wonderful girls. *weighs* Beach or blog? Hmmmm.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Conspiracy of 9/11
I have been seeing a lot of conspiracy theories about 9/11 of late. "Loose Change" seems to be one of the more popular conspiracy theories going and after viewing it I have to say it is very convincing if you don't know the details or the science involved. Complete with mood music and snippets of actual news coverage it is easy to be swayed. If you really investigate you will find that these theories fall short of satisfying reality, but I will say I do believe 9/11 could have been a well constructed conspiracy. Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11" ties the Bush's to the Bin Laden family and lays out the facts making sound arguments for his theories. Here it is gang; the conspiracy. All you have to do is follow the money trail. Bin Laden has not been caught nor do I see that happening any time soon. He is raking in loads of money being given to him to support his offensive on the western world. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and Wolfowitz are all heavily involved in the businesses of oil and weapons defense. Man these guys are just raking in the cash. Whats the best way to increase profit for people who have vested interests in oil and arms? For arms dealers its to have a war. For oil people its to gain the rights to oil. Where do the two meet? Iraq of course. Already heavily repressed by the former leader, Saddam Hussein, it was the safest and easiest country in the oil rich middle east to take on. So, the ties between Bush and Bin Laden are documented and both men are making scads of cash, so.... how does GW get into Iraq without the rest of the country nixing his plans? Create a diversion. But not just any old diversion. He and his cronies need one that will solidify his presidency and gain the full support of the public. But how? Create a scenario in which a symbol of the country is devastated and do it strongly enough to enrage your population so that they demand revenge. Then bombard the public with inuendo about the country in question (Iraq) using repetition in lieu of any real facts.
I have been seeing a lot of conspiracy theories about 9/11 of late. "Loose Change" seems to be one of the more popular conspiracy theories going and after viewing it I have to say it is very convincing if you don't know the details or the science involved. Complete with mood music and snippets of actual news coverage it is easy to be swayed. If you really investigate you will find that these theories fall short of satisfying reality, but I will say I do believe 9/11 could have been a well constructed conspiracy. Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11" ties the Bush's to the Bin Laden family and lays out the facts making sound arguments for his theories. Here it is gang; the conspiracy. All you have to do is follow the money trail. Bin Laden has not been caught nor do I see that happening any time soon. He is raking in loads of money being given to him to support his offensive on the western world. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and Wolfowitz are all heavily involved in the businesses of oil and weapons defense. Man these guys are just raking in the cash. Whats the best way to increase profit for people who have vested interests in oil and arms? For arms dealers its to have a war. For oil people its to gain the rights to oil. Where do the two meet? Iraq of course. Already heavily repressed by the former leader, Saddam Hussein, it was the safest and easiest country in the oil rich middle east to take on. So, the ties between Bush and Bin Laden are documented and both men are making scads of cash, so.... how does GW get into Iraq without the rest of the country nixing his plans? Create a diversion. But not just any old diversion. He and his cronies need one that will solidify his presidency and gain the full support of the public. But how? Create a scenario in which a symbol of the country is devastated and do it strongly enough to enrage your population so that they demand revenge. Then bombard the public with inuendo about the country in question (Iraq) using repetition in lieu of any real facts.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Whats the Point
We had a lovely weekend of camping at Long Point with friends and family. The weather was less than stellar, but we certainly made the most of it by consuming lots of beer and meat and shmores. The kids enjoyed sleeping in a tent and Theo had a chance to vent about her profession with two of our campers who were also teachers. We got Cap out of the house which did wonders for his demeanour and my sister and I got a chance to hang out which was the most fun for me. The Berry brothers were a lot of fun and took campfire cooking to a new level. I can't wait to do it again. Suck in those guts, boys!
School: Hello Mr. Braids?
TB: Yes. Speaking.
School: I'm afraid Cassidy has had a little trouble (pardon the pun) on her first day of school.
TB: (sigh) Uh-huh.
School: She had a little accident and fell in the mud and dirtied her clothes up quite a bit.
TB: You aint seen nothing yet.
School: Oh. Ahaha (nervously). Well, we don't seem to have a change of clothes for her which, if you read the home letter we sent you, you will see was a requirement.
TB: We did not get the home letter or notification you were changing her teacher. As far as the change of clothes, you might want to check her bag.
School: Oh. (whispered tones-he says they're in her bag. didn't you check? Oh shit. They're in the bag.) Mr. Braids?
TB: Present.
School: Sorry to trouble you (pardon the pun). We didn't see the clothes at first, but we now have them.
TB: Super. Are you the teacher?
School: No. This is Mrs. Murray the principal.
TB: Principal clothes finder?
School: Hello Mr. Braids?
TB: Yes. Speaking.
School: I'm afraid Cassidy has had a little trouble (pardon the pun) on her first day of school.
TB: (sigh) Uh-huh.
School: She had a little accident and fell in the mud and dirtied her clothes up quite a bit.
TB: You aint seen nothing yet.
School: Oh. Ahaha (nervously). Well, we don't seem to have a change of clothes for her which, if you read the home letter we sent you, you will see was a requirement.
TB: We did not get the home letter or notification you were changing her teacher. As far as the change of clothes, you might want to check her bag.
School: Oh. (whispered tones-he says they're in her bag. didn't you check? Oh shit. They're in the bag.) Mr. Braids?
TB: Present.
School: Sorry to trouble you (pardon the pun). We didn't see the clothes at first, but we now have them.
TB: Super. Are you the teacher?
School: No. This is Mrs. Murray the principal.
TB: Principal clothes finder?
Friday, September 08, 2006
Getting Put Through the Shredder
I got this nasty virus/adware file yesterday. I thought I was downloading a video codec for quick time, but I quickly found out it was more than I bargained for. It would not let me delete the downloaded file and MacAfee did squat. I wound up downloading a number of other tools to clean my registry before I could shred the codec file. Why do people do this sort of thing? Why do they create these files to screw with our computers? If it is to get us to buy a product its pretty unsound business procedure. If its just maliciousness they should be thrown into a roomfull of people with infected computers to defend themselves. I can honestly say I felt quite murderous. If I ever run into a person who does this sort of crap I am going to throw punches. No questions. No answers. Just fists flying until the rage subsides.
I got this nasty virus/adware file yesterday. I thought I was downloading a video codec for quick time, but I quickly found out it was more than I bargained for. It would not let me delete the downloaded file and MacAfee did squat. I wound up downloading a number of other tools to clean my registry before I could shred the codec file. Why do people do this sort of thing? Why do they create these files to screw with our computers? If it is to get us to buy a product its pretty unsound business procedure. If its just maliciousness they should be thrown into a roomfull of people with infected computers to defend themselves. I can honestly say I felt quite murderous. If I ever run into a person who does this sort of crap I am going to throw punches. No questions. No answers. Just fists flying until the rage subsides.
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