Troubled YouthMy wife, being a teacher, keeps me in the loop about the goings-on of today's youth. Yesterday she told me about a teen boy who was found in his garage dead hanging from a noose. It was first thought to be a suicide, but it cam to light that this boy and his friends often played "pass-out". Not the drinking game I played in my youth. No no. This game consists of cutting off airflow until the person passes out. So, they think this boy was just playing pass-out alone. Maybe he thought he could cut himself down before he passed out. Who knows? A teacher friend from Toronto calls this sort of thing "culling the heard". I can't argue with his cruel outlook. I can only feel for the kids family and wonder at the need to play such games. Another anecdote was that it has become quite common for girls to give oral pleasure to guys in groups of kids. Grade 8, 7, high school. It's seen as no big deal apparently. Just getting high and letting off steam. Relieving the boredom. I often see parents pointing fingers at teachers and blaming them for all matter of things, but little accountability on their side when it comes to raising their children. I understand the days of having a parent at home full-time is not as viable in today's world, but even so you have to take an interest in what your kids are doing. Where they are going. Who they are playing with. Also, you have to look at media and how they bombard kids with negative messages from appearance to attitude to life choices. They are selling sex to pre-teens and getting away with it. Unfathomable. Seems everybody just passes the buck on these issues. Little to no accountability seems to be the rule of the times. Wow.