Friday, December 06, 2002

I figured out how they make those alien sounds in movies. You know the kind ; the heroes are gathered around a radio receiver and can here static and squeal sounds when all of a sudden a young child, idiot savant or a peaceful minded individual says "Wait! Listen! Its them. They're trying to communicate with us." etc.... The truth of the matter is that those sounds are actually emanating from a baby monitor that is too close to a microwave oven. Its true. I had left my tea sit too long and put it in the microwave to warm up. The baby was sleeping in her crib. I heard static and squeals and immediately felt panic stricken. I donned a metal calandar, a broom and a lemurian crystal (known for its universal power) and bravely headed for the bedroom of my infant. She was sleeping soundly. Oblivious to the clear and present danger and to me as I made sure she was breathing and unmarked ie. any sign of microchip implant, fang marks, etc...there was no visible trace of alien life in this room. I decided to put up a force field of blue star energy to make sure she was well defended against any further sortes staged by these alien vermin. I then went back to the kitchen and found my tea had cooled. I reheated the tea in the microwave when I heard them again. They were back and I knew there was gonna be trouble.

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