The Royal Daulton CollectionTheo's parents, George and Steffi, often come together when they visit us which is interesting in that they have quite a turbulent history of 16 years years together before they divorced some 25 years ago. Also along for the 1 1/2 hour trip from Toronto to Port Dover is her fathers second wife, Theresa (pronounced Tedessa) who is an awesome person. George is an engineer who has next to no social skills. If he had not seen you for a lengthy period he might say something to the effect of "Hey, man. What happened? You got so fat." Steffi is very superficial with most of her conversations revolving around people who have lots of money, movie stars or shopping. Theresa is very down to earth, thoughtful and a joy to be around. The three of them were sitting at my kitchen table recently. Steffi and George have Bulgarian accents while Theresa is Peruvian.
Steffi: When I retired the staff gave me these beautiful Royal Daulton figures. I mean they are just to die for. Anyways, I read in the paper that Michael Daulton was going to be in-store and would personally sign any figure you purchased that day, but I thought why not bring my new figures and try to get him to sign them. So I went and got in line and when I met him, he is a very nice man and very classy you know. You know how some people pretend to be nice, but he wasn't pretending. He asked me where I was from and he has been to Sophia. Anyways, I asked Michael to sign my figurines even though I did not buy them that day and told him they were a present for my retirement from my staff and he was so nice and he signed them. It was very nice of him because he didn't have to sign them because you were supposed to buy something, but I thought it was worth a try. You know, why not?
George: Wow, that's terrific Feffe (his pet name for Steffi). So you met Michael Bolton
Steffi: Zjorro (her pet name for George) it was Michael Daulton not Michael Bolton.
George: Oh come on man. Michael Bolton signed your statues. That's great man.
Theresa: Oh George (sigh)
Steffi: It was not Michael Bolton. Honestly Zjorro are you that.... It was Michael Daulton who is owner of Royal Daulton.
I don't say a word. I just hide my smile and try not to laugh out loud. When I look over I can see that Steffi desperately wants to call George stupid, but just as she is about to she remembers his wife is sitting next to him. I can see her smoldering as she battles the strong compulsion to lay into him. George lives to upset people and his 16 years with Steffi makes him an expert on pulling her chain. Theresa is smiling and calm, but secretly she loves watching the two of them getting on each others nerves. George will later piss off my step-father enough that he confides to me later what an asshole George is. George will also dismiss the death of my brother as inconsequential, but I don't get upset with him anymore. After 14 years I can laugh at his lack of diplomacy and have learned that by turning the tables on him I can get him very upset. The family dynamic is a beautiful thing. Oddly enough, I love every one of them and wouldn't trade them for the world.