Al Gore
There is life after politics. Seeing Al Gore on "The Daily Show" recently I was somewhat awed by seeing a former politician showing concern for the environment. Not mock concern, but actually being pro-active in educating people to the real concerns ahead due to the impact of global warming. Having been on the lecture circuit for many years now, Gore had recently lectured in Los Angeles and was approached by movie execs about the concept of turning his book and lecture series into a documentary. A deal was consummated culminating in the film "An Inconvenient Truth". It is about relaying the real scientific truth about global warming which is shared by an overwhelmingly number of people in the science community. It examines scenarios likely to take place to our world if action is not taken to help remedy the situation we now find ourselves. I am hopeful that this will help further spur on an aggressive movement to educate the masses to enact changes in the worlds approach to using fossil fuels.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
A Few Points On Our Stupidity
1) We feed herbivores feed containing animal parts making them omnivore cannibals and freak out when mad-cow disease results.
2) We are more concerned with our economy than our environment.
3) We fail to see how much big business controls government and media thus controlling us.
4) Television.
5) We are more concerned with American/Canadian Idol and/or Survivor than we are with people starving to death.
6) Cher infomercials
7) Our inability to see people from other countries as human beings.
8) Our inability to see that tax cuts lead to essential services cuts.
9) Danielle Steele.
10) Religion or "My invisible being is more powerful than yours".
1) We feed herbivores feed containing animal parts making them omnivore cannibals and freak out when mad-cow disease results.
2) We are more concerned with our economy than our environment.
3) We fail to see how much big business controls government and media thus controlling us.
4) Television.
5) We are more concerned with American/Canadian Idol and/or Survivor than we are with people starving to death.
6) Cher infomercials
7) Our inability to see people from other countries as human beings.
8) Our inability to see that tax cuts lead to essential services cuts.
9) Danielle Steele.
10) Religion or "My invisible being is more powerful than yours".
A Cure Must Be Had!
About 15 years ago I was stricken with terrible back pain which resulted in my being off of work for about 8 weeks. The ailment has been revisited upon me once again and I have been made pretty much sedentary because of it. Yet, due to PMS, my wife last night let me know how upset she was with me for not putting the girls to bed stating that my life right now is all fun and games while she toils away to the point where she is ready to "black-out". Theo is available for "black-outs" or "pass-outs" frequently so one must be sharp as a tack to see the signs. Luckily for me I can read her mind and know exactly when to step in, but due to the extreme pain I have been in I guess my sensory perception must be off a little. I have also learned that diplomacy and mock sympathy wins out over "What are you, nuts?" "What have you been sniffing?" or "There is nothing wrong with you that a little proszac and a hammer couldn't fix." For most of each month I am very loved and appreciated, but those few days are subject to "discussions" of varying severity often dependent on proximity. Of course when she intimates to me "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING AND WHY AREN"T YOU HELPING ME YOU LAZY NO GOOD BASTARD" I merely reply "I am doing something to show how much I love my wonderful wife and how I still to this day am dazzled by her beauty, sensuality and intelligence." The problem then becomes controlling the crying jag, but the upside is that I then become a great and sensitive man who can do no wrong.
About 15 years ago I was stricken with terrible back pain which resulted in my being off of work for about 8 weeks. The ailment has been revisited upon me once again and I have been made pretty much sedentary because of it. Yet, due to PMS, my wife last night let me know how upset she was with me for not putting the girls to bed stating that my life right now is all fun and games while she toils away to the point where she is ready to "black-out". Theo is available for "black-outs" or "pass-outs" frequently so one must be sharp as a tack to see the signs. Luckily for me I can read her mind and know exactly when to step in, but due to the extreme pain I have been in I guess my sensory perception must be off a little. I have also learned that diplomacy and mock sympathy wins out over "What are you, nuts?" "What have you been sniffing?" or "There is nothing wrong with you that a little proszac and a hammer couldn't fix." For most of each month I am very loved and appreciated, but those few days are subject to "discussions" of varying severity often dependent on proximity. Of course when she intimates to me "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING AND WHY AREN"T YOU HELPING ME YOU LAZY NO GOOD BASTARD" I merely reply "I am doing something to show how much I love my wonderful wife and how I still to this day am dazzled by her beauty, sensuality and intelligence." The problem then becomes controlling the crying jag, but the upside is that I then become a great and sensitive man who can do no wrong.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Held in Their Arms
I just watched "Lord of War" last night starring Nick Cage. I found the movie to be filled with information about gun running and arms dealers and tackled some philosophical and moral ideas. Some of the worlds biggest arms dealers : Jean Bernard Lasnaud, Victor Anatoliyevich Bout, Leonid Efimovich Minin, Monzer Al Kassar & Sarkis Soghanalian. These men are not strictly arms dealers. They have diversified interests which are mostly tied to transporting imports/exports. Arms dealers are flying in weapons to various African Nations and exporting their resources from businesses which are mostly owned by Westerners. The documentary "Darwin's Nightmare" examines the country Tanzania and how the natural species of fish in Lake Victoria (second largest fresh water lake in the world) have been supplanted by the very aggressive river perch. These perch are packaged and frozen and shipped all over Europe by the same transport companies which ship arms into various African Nations. The effect of guns for resources has further decimated an already feeble economy with famine and disease at epidemic proportions. In the district of Mwanza in the town of Geita (pop. 40,000) it is estimated that between 10 to 15 people die every week from HIV/Aids. Many people exist on the carcasses of Nile perch left over from the fish factories. By these arms dealers importing weapons and then exporting food resources you could say that these are people who deal death and then a little more death.
The largest arms dealers in the world: United States $18.5 billion, Russia $4.6 billion, France $4.4 billion, United kingdom $1.9 billion, Germany & Canada each $900 million.
Often the small arms dealers will work with countries that export weapons especially when that entails supplying a country these governments wish to keep secret, ie. Liberia. Often times it is in a foreign governments interest to supply arms to certain factions to insure social unrest thereby protecting their access to resources. Many westerners enjoy their style of living having no idea that their government is profiting from the misfortune of others believing the aid supplied to foreign countries is a good deed. The truth is that these aid packages offer no long term relief and is a pittance to pay for the enormous profits they make by arms sales and taking of resources.
I just watched "Lord of War" last night starring Nick Cage. I found the movie to be filled with information about gun running and arms dealers and tackled some philosophical and moral ideas. Some of the worlds biggest arms dealers : Jean Bernard Lasnaud, Victor Anatoliyevich Bout, Leonid Efimovich Minin, Monzer Al Kassar & Sarkis Soghanalian. These men are not strictly arms dealers. They have diversified interests which are mostly tied to transporting imports/exports. Arms dealers are flying in weapons to various African Nations and exporting their resources from businesses which are mostly owned by Westerners. The documentary "Darwin's Nightmare" examines the country Tanzania and how the natural species of fish in Lake Victoria (second largest fresh water lake in the world) have been supplanted by the very aggressive river perch. These perch are packaged and frozen and shipped all over Europe by the same transport companies which ship arms into various African Nations. The effect of guns for resources has further decimated an already feeble economy with famine and disease at epidemic proportions. In the district of Mwanza in the town of Geita (pop. 40,000) it is estimated that between 10 to 15 people die every week from HIV/Aids. Many people exist on the carcasses of Nile perch left over from the fish factories. By these arms dealers importing weapons and then exporting food resources you could say that these are people who deal death and then a little more death.
The largest arms dealers in the world: United States $18.5 billion, Russia $4.6 billion, France $4.4 billion, United kingdom $1.9 billion, Germany & Canada each $900 million.
Often the small arms dealers will work with countries that export weapons especially when that entails supplying a country these governments wish to keep secret, ie. Liberia. Often times it is in a foreign governments interest to supply arms to certain factions to insure social unrest thereby protecting their access to resources. Many westerners enjoy their style of living having no idea that their government is profiting from the misfortune of others believing the aid supplied to foreign countries is a good deed. The truth is that these aid packages offer no long term relief and is a pittance to pay for the enormous profits they make by arms sales and taking of resources.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Phone Spam
Right off the bat I want to make clear my feelings on spam. I think spam gives spam a bad name. It used to be you could get some spam, spam, spam, eggs, spam, sausage and spam and not think the worst for it, but these dark days have even made the spamhearty cringe. I received a phone call this morning about some window people who "work with" Ontario Hydro who wanted to offer me a "free" estimate. Even before the woman could launch into her spiel I was rude and said "So you are trying to sucker me into buying windows I don't need". Now, I understand this is a job. This person is just trying to make a living, but, if one chooses to work in a field which is relying on your good manners and niceness not to hang up and hear them out, thereby using up your time (are we getting payed??) ; is that not rude? Is it not rude to invade a families privacy by obtaining their phone number and trying to stuff information down their throats that they haven't asked for? So, when that inevitable phone call comes, when you pick up the phone expecting a friend, work or even dear old mom and are greeted with "HithisisMarcyandIhaveagreatofferforyoutoattendCollingwoodresort
for3daysand2nightsforfreenowhowdoesthatsound?", don't worry about niceties. Just say in your most monotone voice "You are invading my personal privacy. How dare you. I hope a giant can of spam drops from the heavens and crushes you and your employer" and hang up.
Right off the bat I want to make clear my feelings on spam. I think spam gives spam a bad name. It used to be you could get some spam, spam, spam, eggs, spam, sausage and spam and not think the worst for it, but these dark days have even made the spamhearty cringe. I received a phone call this morning about some window people who "work with" Ontario Hydro who wanted to offer me a "free" estimate. Even before the woman could launch into her spiel I was rude and said "So you are trying to sucker me into buying windows I don't need". Now, I understand this is a job. This person is just trying to make a living, but, if one chooses to work in a field which is relying on your good manners and niceness not to hang up and hear them out, thereby using up your time (are we getting payed??) ; is that not rude? Is it not rude to invade a families privacy by obtaining their phone number and trying to stuff information down their throats that they haven't asked for? So, when that inevitable phone call comes, when you pick up the phone expecting a friend, work or even dear old mom and are greeted with "HithisisMarcyandIhaveagreatofferforyoutoattendCollingwoodresort
for3daysand2nightsforfreenowhowdoesthatsound?", don't worry about niceties. Just say in your most monotone voice "You are invading my personal privacy. How dare you. I hope a giant can of spam drops from the heavens and crushes you and your employer" and hang up.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Saturday, June 03, 2006

This little beauty fell out of its nest (nest of the blonde robin) and was fluttering about the ground. The parents abandoned it and after waiting several hours to see if the parents would continue to care for it on the ground it became aparent that this baby was left to its own devices (which meant dying). I tried to put it back into its nest, but the parents still would not help it. It then fell out of the nest again so I took it in. I found an animal rehabilatator in the area and am handing the bird over when they arrive. Hope it makes it.
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