Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Few Points On Our Stupidity

1) We feed herbivores feed containing animal parts making them omnivore cannibals and freak out when mad-cow disease results.

2) We are more concerned with our economy than our environment.

3) We fail to see how much big business controls government and media thus controlling us.

4) Television.

5) We are more concerned with American/Canadian Idol and/or Survivor than we are with people starving to death.

6) Cher infomercials

7) Our inability to see people from other countries as human beings.

8) Our inability to see that tax cuts lead to essential services cuts.

9) Danielle Steele.

10) Religion or "My invisible being is more powerful than yours".

1 comment:

Ms. Wilderness said...

You forgot our own rampant egotism :) Most people act like they are the only people on the planet!