Thursday, August 03, 2006

On Prophecy

We had a big storm pass here last night. I didn't know if I was in a storm or at a rave with all the thunder base and lightning strobes. All that lightning killed the power in the area so I fired up my portable radio and dialed through the waves. I latched onto an American talk radio station based out of Cleveland whose guest was an authority on prophecy. His view on the Israeli move into outside territory was that it was a push to ensure any missile attacks would fall short of major centers in Israel. His reasoning was that since Jewish prophecies foretold of WWII they hold some sway on Jewish policy. Prophecies point to the year 2006 at the end of the Jewish year (which makes that roughly in the last three days in Sept. on our calendar) as the beginning of WWIII. It is called the war of the knife (rough translation) since it is thought to be a war to the end (total annihilation with armies running out of weapons and turning to knives). So, with the distinct possibility that prophecies (and religion of course) are guiding and driving foreign policy for Israel one has to ask if the prophecies are actually true or are they fictional stories that are becoming self-fulfilled. I believe the latter to be more accurate. There have been countless prophecies foretold by numerous groups of humans throughout time. Some have come to be while many have not. I tend to believe that a great number of prophecies that have come to be are mostly coincidence or based on forecasting possible futures much like science fiction writers have done. Until humans can let go of religious dogma and superstitious forecasting as well as relinquishing the power to follow these downward paths, our race is run. This is not to say we must give up the idea of spiritualism and its positive influences, but we need desperately to realize that spirtuality is far different than religious zeal or blind faith in prophecies. Even if prophecies were based on real visions from spiritualist our fate would not be sealed. Fate is life. It is ever changing. We have the power to change the outcome of this world although it seems highly unlikely we will.

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