Off to the Riverview P.S. outdoor rink at roughly age 8. I wonder sometimes if the rink was more my home than our old Cartier St. residence. I know I spent many winters skating after school, home late for supper and back to the rink until bed time. This might be my fave pic of all time.

It's a beauty - I'm so incredibly pleased that people are posting these pics. The stark contrast of the black and white - though sepia in this case, whether by age or processing.
All that white crisp snow. I really do miss winter's like that. I look at this and I can smell the cold.
This picture was taken by my father just after X-mas. The reason its look is that 1) it was taken through our livingroom window and 2) it lived through a fire, but did not escape smoke damage. I know I would freeze my ass off now, but there is still that kid in me that fantasizes about skiing, tobogganing, skating etc.. through that beautiful SSM winter. Port Dover is nice, but it's no Soo.
That's great that it survived a fire. The smoke damage explains the colour...but it really adds to the look of it.
It's always interesting too, to know what perspective it was taken from. My first guess was someone who was outside also, but upon closer examination I see the reflection of the window. Seems we all had those great big front windows huh?
Last year we went up to the Soo at xmas and there was nary a lick of snow...I hope to see some this winter as my aunt keeps asking for pics of trees with snow on them.
wow, that story makes the pic even more beautiful.
Wow -- Our yard looks huge. So huge.
krista---Bring me back some of that Soo snow. I think I will always be homesick. We plan on going up next summer to camp.
rabfish---thx for the comment and yes, it is a survivor.
joan---Our front yard was a pretty decent size, but I think it is the snow making it appear larger than it is. After a fresh snow people would drive down the center of the street (as you most likely recall) and our sidewalk is covered, of which I am roughly 6 feet from. Mrs. Depew was still living in the house across the street. Gordie and I used to go shovel her driveway and we wouldn't accept money from her. She always gave us a little something for x-mas like cookies or squares.
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