Adventures With TheoSo I drive Theo's mom to Hamilton so she can catch the GO bus back to Toronto. Theo escorts her mom into the station along with Rain while Cassidy and I sit waiting in the car. After an eternity Theo and Rain return to the car and we are off to visit a friend and former colleague of Theo's. Joanne and her husband Chris had twins 6 months ago and moved to Hamilton from Toronto shortly after delivery. I have a basic idea of the direction I need to start towards and do so. After a few minutes I ask Theo for the directions. She fishes through her pockets, her purse, again through her pockets and once again through her purse. She once again fishes through her pockets only to come up empty of the directions we were to follow.
Theo: Oh my God I think I threw the directions into the garbage at the terminal.
Me: What? Are you serious?
Theo: Yep. Man, I can't believe I did that.
Me: Well, that's brilliant. Do you remember the address at least?
Theo: No. I know its near Aberdeen and Dundurn. Near the Tim Horton's.
Me: *Shaking my head* Near the Tim Horton's huh. *Dripping with sarcasm*
Theo: Don't do that! Can't you look at this as an adventure? Other people would consider this fun you know.
Me: Oh my love, it is and always has been an adventure.
After knocking on three doors we found the place and the babies were beautiful.