Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sign of the Times

Paying for jobs. This is my new fixation. I am amazed at the lack of any outpouring denouncing this practice. Monster, Workopolis and Apply-to-teach all are "services" that hit you up for money so you can get a job. In the case of Apply-to-teach, you have people coming out of University/Teachers College who are mostly loaded down with debt from student loans and living expenses who are forced to fork out money so they can apply to school boards for a job. This service has been picked up by most school boards because education cuts over the years have left school boards searching for ways to bring in revenues to offset budgets that do not and can not meet the needs of the populace. We are so backwards that we now accept these types of revenue generating strategies while our government cries broke yet have billions in surplus revenues each year. We allow time and again expenses to be laid at our own doors while we continue to fork out income taxes, GST and PST. Our social net is constantly shrinking while we see no real changes in the amount a citizen of Canada pays out to there government. Where is all this money going? Nobody gets angry about these things any more. They ho-hum and fork it out. We used to be a strong nation of people with a voice and an understanding of the importance of social fabric. Now, we are just a bunch of pussies waiting in line to be suckered out of their hard-earned pay.

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