Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Back....Maybe...Who Know

I have forgotten about my blog as some have noticed. And to those who have not noticed, you aren't reading my blog anyways and therefore not reading this now, so there is no point in addressing you further. You can always count on me to throw something nonsensical into the mix. I digress. School has pretty much taken over that other part of life not inhabited by family and my Eve addiction. I am full time at Laurier now and the workload is pretty heavy. It is a very depressing study that I find myself taking part in. The world is amazingly insane beyond that thin veil of ideology the majority of populations cling to. Maybe I should have gotten a trade after all, so I could have just gotten a good job and could have ignored the world around me or at least contained it a bit better. I miss being ignorant.


Krista said...

Oh yeah, I'm the original flash gordon.

Little Chickpea said...

What are you taking that is so damn depressing?

Troubles Braids said...

Contemporary Studies. Subject matter has included child soldiers, rape as a weapon of war, the corporate structure, nuclear war and other fun items for the whole family.

Little Chickpea said...
