Friday, April 28, 2006

The New and Improved Incompetent Bell Canada

I received a notice from a collections agency last week stating I had better pay such-and-such amount to Bell Canada for an account in arrears from last year at my old address. Believing I was finished with the old account and everything was square I had them send me the bills for the time in question to investigate the matter. What I found was that they were trying to bill me once again for a modem that was not returned which of course had been returned. I spent a good five hours of my time on the phone to Bell last summer trying to sort their mess out for them and by the end was assured everything was hunky-dory. Today I got to spend another hour of my time straightening out the re-created mess with another session coming Monday morning. This time I was in no mood for their attempts at niceties. Comments I made were: A) I have never seen such incompetence other than the Toronto Maple Leafs front office of which your company is a sponsor B) Maybe if you had a meal program the chimpanzees wouldn't make so many mistakes C) If your accounts people have this much time on their hands that they can dredge up old files that have been cleared perhaps they should be donating some time to charities D) Taking a village idiot onboard is kindhearted. Taking every idiot from every village is going a little too far.
There were others, however, I am proud to say, I used no profane language. It started off as a real bother, but by the end I was quite enjoying myself.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Musical Mind

I can go through dry spells in my music where I pick up the guitar and the same songs keep coming out. These dry spells can be quite lengthy and even when you sit down to strum with the intention of doing something new, nothing comes out and you find yourself returning to the songs of your past. But, there are those moments when I sit down to play when my mind lets my fingers roam to new places and out comes a melody entirely new. Part of my love for movies comes from their ability to trigger in me the creative spark. A while back I watched the movie "Code 46" with Tim Robbins and Samantha Morton and the music near the end of the film really got me in a tizzy. I sat down and wrote some of my best lyrics ever and was on a roll over the next few days where I wrote a number of songs. Most of the songs I write I will forget over a period of time, but some have staying power. This new batch will have to stand the test of time.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Drive-by at the House of the Lord

I was driving by a church this morning that had one of those portable billboards standing in front of it. It read: "The Lord accepts all kinds of worship". So I said "Yo Je, nice package".

Thursday, April 20, 2006

World at War

I was just watching a movie of short films put together dealing with the events of 9/11/01. It is horrifying to watch those people jumping out of windows, flailing away as they rush towards the earth. Horrifying to think of those passengers aboard the planes that crashed and the terror they felt. It made me think about others in this world who live in terror. From those people who quest for enough food to survive another day, to car bombings in Israel to shells falling in Palestine, people devasted by natural disasters. Natural disasters aside, the other events are mostly man-made and made me think about who the real enemy is. People killing in the name of religion, for power, for oil, ethnic cleansing. The real enemies of this world who see human sacrifice or the sacrifice of the environment as a justifiable cost in their pursuit of their goals. How I wish people could see the real villains of the world and unite against them. Take up arms against the multi-nationals and crooked governments and tyrants of the world. You want to prevent another 9/11? The root of that evil, as are others, is easily seen if you look. Until then, innocent people will continue to die while others make their fortunes. Where are you Rainbow Warriors?
Turkey Anyone?

Saw one of these guys closeup this morning chowing down some road kill. As ugly as they might appear, they are very graceful fliers and skilled hunters that work very well together.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Who'd a Thunk It

Who'd a thunk I would have wound up with such a beautiful wife and have two beautiful girls with her. Have a lovely home in a picturesque little town. Nearing completion of a University degree and soon to be a teacher. Who'd a thunk it of "ol Rich? My wife and kids for starters. Obviously I do. Thats all I need.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Recipe for a Nature Treat

Take one kitchen window overlooking deck. Add a shrub just under the window. Add two cardinals; one male and one female. Have the male sit across from you and look curiously at his surroundings. Have the female sit under the window within two feet of you on shrub and eat buds. Be amazed at the colourings of both birds and the novelty of having the couple together in plain sight. Be thankful.
Gotta Love the Country Music

The custodian at Theo's school likes to pump out country music at the end of the day through the P.A. system. Walking down the hall yesterday afternoon towards the staffroom I heard these lovely lyrics wafting through the air:

We got cowboys, we got truckers
Broken-hearted fools and suckers

I could not help thinking as I walked through the halls of an academic institution that this lyricist could have used a little more attention in the classroom and a little less time learning how to make beef jerkey. I was reminded of that joke about what happens when you play country music backwords----> you get your house back, your wife back, you find your truck, your dog comes back to life and there are no tears in anyones beers.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

You Idiots

Why the hell would you vote Bush into office a second time you dumbass Americans. Seriously, do you take a look at the reality of whats being created by getting your source of news from Fox and CNN? Who owns these "News" stations and who gives huge amounts of cash to politicians? "Uhhh the same people?" It is one thing to be patriotic and entirely another thing to be zealots blinded by patriotism to the point where it becomes an effective tool to dupe the masses into backing immoral (unchristian) wars. And if you are going to blame these opinions (as many have of others of the ilk) don't even try with the "jealousy" copout. Believe me when I say the rest of the western world is quite content with their way of life and harbour no desires to be the "greatest" country in the world. Understand this; if you were English then England would be the best country in the world. If you were French then France would be the best country in the world. etc... You get it?


This is why your forefathers wanted the seperation of church and state. They foresaw religion as a cause of destruction (which is entirely accurate). This is heaven right here pals. Earth. Don't fuck it up!
Settling In

Theo has an Ed. assistant for her program named Helen who is just the nicest person. The two of them get along famously and have fast become friends. Yesterday Helen held a scrapbooking party *cringe* at her home to which Theo was invited. Having my parents back from Arizona (hurrah) we left the kids with them and off to Cheapside we went. While the hens scrapped and ate chocolate, Helens' husband Brian decided it was time he and I looked at some tools. He drove me to three different tool stores in search of a portable planer. There is a part of me that finds the whole thing comical (the manly search of tools, the womanly pursuit of bordering pictures with frilly things) yet, Theo and I enjoyed ourselves and the company we were in. We also spied a house nearby that was for sale which got our wheels turning. Since we have grown accustomed to what life has to offer in these parts, we have been contemplating a move into the country where we could have more property to set up a greenhouse or two powered by wind and solar energy. Dreaming is free.

On another note, I happen to play Counter-strike:Source and often play on a server that carries a specialized tournament called "gun-game". Last night I played and was rewarded with my first victory. I am now ranked 45 out of 1067 players which I take pride in being that my reflexes are no longer as sharp as they were when I was 20 which is around the average age of players.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ten Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

1) I am often a walking parody of the world around me.

2) I will never win a popularity contest. If there was a contest for "People that people love to hate" I would not be an underdog.

3) I believe my greatest accomplishment is being a father and a good one at that.

4) Of the few people who know me it is the consensus that I will most likely never grow up.

5) I am very lazy when unmotivated / hyper-active when motivated (trouble is that I am rarely motivated)

6) As great a hockey player many thought I was, I was not very talented. They mistook my anger for skill.

7) I am very uncomfortable in large crowds.

8) Lines that have stuck with me through the years "Always a playground instructor, never a killer", "Quite capably murderous", "Imagine the odds".

9) I am horrible at being a phony. I realize it is a necessary social evil to wear our masks, but mine always slip, often with dire consequences.

10) I am now 40 years old and have begun to reminisce about my past. Next I will be putting the cat in the fridge and taking the milk outside.
Houston We Have Touchdown

An update on our lovely little robin. She managed to erect a nest after many failed attempts and has begun to nest. She has opted for the sportier nest design which incorporates tinsel, string, plastic bags along with the more conventional straw and mud. She also seems to enjoy the smoke from the barbecue (as long as it isn't chicken) and seems unfettered by us humans walking below her. I wonder if other robins in passing make comments on her home. "Yea, she may be pretty, but just look at that dive she lives in."

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Symptons of a Sick World

Theo and I watched a CBC news program today which dealt with issues relating to cancer as an industry. It was a little horrifying to see the attitude displayed by pharmaceutical companies at a cancer drug convention. When a reporter asked of one of the convention goers "How's business?" the reply was "Excellent." Every booth that was approached had the same thing to report (a little more subdued, but beaming just the same) adding the sales pitch of course. Apparently there is no money to be made in the prevention of cancer, but, drugs to treat the disease are a multi-billion dollar money maker. With all the carcinogens floating around from air quality to livestock to agricultural pesticides to household cleaning products, cancer is on the increase, yet we are told to eat healthy, exercise and quit smoking. Do you not find it just a little condescending that we are told to live healthy, yet government controls so completely lack any teeth when it comes to placing limitations on big business and the products they market to us? Government for the people? The 1975 version of the movie "Rollerball" was on the other night. The premise is a futuristic arena where teams battle for corporate giants. It is a look at how controlled society has become by business and the ruse of government. It is unfortunate that a good portion of this world chooses to remain blind to the reality of how the world works or feel powerless to change that reality. As for cancer, it will in all likelihood continue to blossom into a revenue juggernaut and we will, being a captive participant, be forced into forking out our life savings and/or retirement at a chance to be cured of something that quite possibly could have been prevented.

I recently developed a lump between the lower abdomen above the pelvic bone which, though not painful, was causing me discomfort. Being a somewhat milder hypochondriac than my sibling, I was, nevertheless, having visions of ailing from the dreaded "Big C". Flashes of idiocy danced before my eyes; how so few people would attend my funeral, how those close to me would air out all our differences, how I would leave instructional videos for my kids on how to cope with a world of pitfalls. I had made an appointment to see my Doctor for the 10th of April, but, I had to know what this lump was. So, today I went to the Walk-in Clinic and was examined and given the prognosis "You have a hernia. I feel no lymphnode swelling. If it begins to bother you so much that it interferes with your way of life you can then opt for surgery." I about jumped off the table and kissed this man. There is nothing like a brush with death (real or imaginary) to put perspective on ones life. I have begun to eat healthier the last few weeks, have quit smoking again and have decided my new addiction will be exercise. No matter my relationships in life, I want to be around long enough to see my kids grown.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Rain has sewn together a little bunny which she has named Kelly. Its a little blue bunny with pink ears, belly and mouth, white nose and a little cottonball tail.

Rain: I made it for me, but Cassidy is trying to get it. I am going to leave it with you, Daddy. Its because your the funniest and best Dad in the whole world.

Dad: Oh my. What a great bunny. I can't believe you made this. What wonderful work, Rain.

Rain: You have to read me two stories at bedtime now. Now!

How could I argue?