The mainstream will know Peter Boyle as Frank on "Everybody Loves Raymond", but Boyle had a very lengthy and respectable portfolio of work dating back to the mid 60's with roles in films such as Taxi Driver, Joe, Young Frankenstein, Medium Cool, The Candidate and Monster's Ball. To me, Boyle always seemed to tower over the other characters in his films. He was bigger than life and seemed to dominate the screen even besides the likes of Robert DeNiro and Robert Redford. A good friend of John Lennon who was Boyle's best man at his wedding to Lorraine Alterman of Rolling Stone. In the early 90's Boyle had to learn to speak again after suffering a stroke. I have always liked Boyle even though I am no fan of Ray Romano. My fave tv appearance was when he played Clyde Bruckman on the X-Files.
"I don't think I would be an actor if I was all that intelligent." P. Boyle
Victory is mine!!
You wouldn't believe the ordeal I just went through to be able to post to anyone with Beta Blogger...sheesh.
Anyhoo, I wish I could stomach Ray Romano's irritiating brand of man child comedics in order to watch Peter Boyle - he is fantastik.
I'm glad you reminded me of his character on X files...i'll have to dig that one up and give it a watch now.
I thought he was incredible in Monsters Ball...chilling character.
My wife loves the Raymond show and it has been something I have had to tolerate. The only times I found the show funny, Boyle was front and center. The X-Files episode was among the best ever. I might even go so far as to say it was THE best episode of that show. Monster's Ball was incredible. Everyone in that film was incredible and that's not easy for me to say after seeing Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa.
Bad Santa is going to get a special xmas eve screening I think.
OK, but you have been warned. Bad Santa is B-A-D bad.
Oh hell yes, I've already seen it and you are correct sir!
But I love Peter...
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