The first time I watched this movie was in the basement of our old house on Cartier St. when I was 15 years old. I would come home after partying with friends and make a few peanutbutter and jam sandwiches and head to the basement to watch a movie. I believe it was CBC that would air two late movies in a row beginning at midnight and they were usually of an adult variety. These are the movies that changed my life. They were mind altering experiences that directed me towards a more worldly view. McCabe and Mrs. Miller, Mash, Little Faus and Big Halsey, Downhill Racer, Serpico,Jeremiah Johnson, The Parallax View, Harry and Tonto, Harold and Maude, Midnight Cowboy, Little Big Man, Five Easy Pieces, Being There. I could go on and on. Some of the best American cinema was created in the 60's and 70's. Movies full of character and meaning. Deep plots that delved into the human condition; the social heartbeat. Plots attacked the military/industrial complex, human rights violations and injustices, corruption. In those days of film directors were given a wider creative birth. Film was more experimental than the "tried and true" formula of today's films. Sometimes we are thrown a great film in this age, but never in the same frequency of years before.
I didn't remember that movie and I don't think I saw it. I looked it up and it was made in 1980 for TV. If it ever comes on TV again I will watch it. I do remember that prison riot which was primarily the fault of the Governor at the time.
I've no idea why but Lawrence of Arabia really freaked me out when I was a kid.
Maybe it was the over-dramatic music.
Oh, yeah -- Serpico/Dog Day Afternoon...I spazzed.
I still can't watch Lawrence of Arabia. Well, I can...I just hava thing about it. We even own it. I'm waiting for the perfect day to watch it.
I was especially disturbed by my younger brother wearing a sheet on his head like a turban yelling "lawrence, lawrence, lawrence" though he had no idea what he was talking about...wait a minute - that was last week.
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