Freaks Me Out
It freaks me out, to varying degrees, how the majority of female celebrities are made into sex objects. I mean besides Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears (are they really celebrities?) flashing (bombarding?) us their naughty bits which falls into the category of "those women who cater to the lowest common denominator". I am talking about the Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Scarlet Johannson women of fame. I would listen to their music, see their movies regardless of how pouty they make their lips or how flirtatious their eyes train on me. Does sex have to sell everything these days? One day these woman are serious at their craft and then they hit a little fame and its short shorts and tight t's city. Speaks a lot about society don't it.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Hot Chocolate
Powder into the the cups "Can we play on your dads computer" three spoons "No, he's working on it" seven marshmallows "My mom threw out my jens cuz they was ripped" remove kettle from burner "Let's play petshop toys" carefully pouring the water into each cup "Mrs. Dingleman is such a mean teacher. I like Mr. Anger" Stir it well so no chocolate bumps are present "When we used to have a pool I could do a handstand underwater" a little cream now to cool it off and make it rich "Yea and I could carry her piggyback but not in real life, but only in the water" Set cups on the table "Rain, bring your friends to the kitchen for the hot chocolate". Lots of shiny smiles.
Powder into the the cups "Can we play on your dads computer" three spoons "No, he's working on it" seven marshmallows "My mom threw out my jens cuz they was ripped" remove kettle from burner "Let's play petshop toys" carefully pouring the water into each cup "Mrs. Dingleman is such a mean teacher. I like Mr. Anger" Stir it well so no chocolate bumps are present "When we used to have a pool I could do a handstand underwater" a little cream now to cool it off and make it rich "Yea and I could carry her piggyback but not in real life, but only in the water" Set cups on the table "Rain, bring your friends to the kitchen for the hot chocolate". Lots of shiny smiles.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Muhammad
Yesterday was the 65th birthday of Muhammad Ali. A great fighter, but more importantly a great man. During a time of heated racial tension and prejudice, Ali spoke his mind saying things that other black man would have been or were killed for. His stance against the Vietnam war, while many felt unpatriotic, was yet another example of his showing his passion and fortitude for an issue he felt strongly about. I remember growing up and hearing Ali described as a dumb spook who was just an ignorant coward. Times have certainly shown who the ignorant cowards were. Times have shown what an intelligent and strong man he was and is.
Yesterday was the 65th birthday of Muhammad Ali. A great fighter, but more importantly a great man. During a time of heated racial tension and prejudice, Ali spoke his mind saying things that other black man would have been or were killed for. His stance against the Vietnam war, while many felt unpatriotic, was yet another example of his showing his passion and fortitude for an issue he felt strongly about. I remember growing up and hearing Ali described as a dumb spook who was just an ignorant coward. Times have certainly shown who the ignorant cowards were. Times have shown what an intelligent and strong man he was and is.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Sports Banter
While I still enjoy watching a game the hype up to it can often drive me nuts. Football "panelists" especially going off about how this guy is going to play better now that his divorce is final or how this defence has to turn it around to have a chance yadda yadda blah. Seriously, get stoned one night and watch a sports discussion show. I did a few years back and watched "That's Hockey" and I couldn't watch them. They are over the top serious about issues that may not even have any facts attached to them.
And a few other things:
What the hell is up with truck commercials? The bullshit lines they use and the testosterone overdosed voices are snutz. Any man who buys into these commercials is seriously compensating.
I love how our Prime Minister acknowledged that Canadians hold the environment as the number one priority which now makes it the number one priority of the government. A lovely sentiment while outside the parliament buildings sat the PM's motorcade of 3 sedans and an suv idling for over 6 hours.
My homepage sucks. On it at this very moment--->Golden globes best/worst outfits (I can't wait),top ten concept cars(anything that runs on water?), Alpha Dog trailer(a movie that will be the bomb not da bomb), "Cox says there will be no Friends reunion"(I guess they weren't that close after all), an advert with a beaver as the spokesperson (I have Bell services and I am embarrassed), looking for love--check out our dating tips (yea that's how you'll score a hottie), Most searched---> Ivanka Trump (WTF is Ivanka?), Richards and Sambora to wed in Italy (WTF are Richards and Sambora?)
Axe commercials. I just keep thinking about all the poor schmucks who actually think that body wash will get them laid.
While I still enjoy watching a game the hype up to it can often drive me nuts. Football "panelists" especially going off about how this guy is going to play better now that his divorce is final or how this defence has to turn it around to have a chance yadda yadda blah. Seriously, get stoned one night and watch a sports discussion show. I did a few years back and watched "That's Hockey" and I couldn't watch them. They are over the top serious about issues that may not even have any facts attached to them.
And a few other things:
What the hell is up with truck commercials? The bullshit lines they use and the testosterone overdosed voices are snutz. Any man who buys into these commercials is seriously compensating.
I love how our Prime Minister acknowledged that Canadians hold the environment as the number one priority which now makes it the number one priority of the government. A lovely sentiment while outside the parliament buildings sat the PM's motorcade of 3 sedans and an suv idling for over 6 hours.
My homepage sucks. On it at this very moment--->Golden globes best/worst outfits (I can't wait),top ten concept cars(anything that runs on water?), Alpha Dog trailer(a movie that will be the bomb not da bomb), "Cox says there will be no Friends reunion"(I guess they weren't that close after all), an advert with a beaver as the spokesperson (I have Bell services and I am embarrassed), looking for love--check out our dating tips (yea that's how you'll score a hottie), Most searched---> Ivanka Trump (WTF is Ivanka?), Richards and Sambora to wed in Italy (WTF are Richards and Sambora?)
Axe commercials. I just keep thinking about all the poor schmucks who actually think that body wash will get them laid.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I had heard some of the discussion following this movies premiere at the Toronto Film Fest in 2002. A large part of the discussion dealt with a scene where a woman is brutally raped which went on longer than some people felt neccessary. I did not see the movie until 2006 by which time I had forgotten all about the stir it had caused. The story is told in reverse chronological order leaving us wondering the how's and why's of each scene. It is a film that grips you even though it is tremendously disturbing. From the brutal killing inside a gay bar at the beginning of the film, to the long brutal rape scene in a subway to a woman lying on the grass on a beautiful day I was both mesmerized and disgusted. What made this film so brutal was that it was plausible. This sort of thing could have happened. At first you are disgusted by the murder of the man until you see that he was the rapist. It brings out the vigilante in us. The rape scene which was so heatedly debated is prolonged, but it makes it more real to the audience flooding us with emotions. Terror, anger, outrage, sadness, agony. Make no mistake, this film was created to shock. To create debate. To force us to empathize. It is on tonight at 11:30 pm and while part of me wants to watch it again, I do not believe I have it in me to make it through it a second time. I believe it is an important film, well crafted in all facets, but it is a look into that darkest side of the human expereince.
I had heard some of the discussion following this movies premiere at the Toronto Film Fest in 2002. A large part of the discussion dealt with a scene where a woman is brutally raped which went on longer than some people felt neccessary. I did not see the movie until 2006 by which time I had forgotten all about the stir it had caused. The story is told in reverse chronological order leaving us wondering the how's and why's of each scene. It is a film that grips you even though it is tremendously disturbing. From the brutal killing inside a gay bar at the beginning of the film, to the long brutal rape scene in a subway to a woman lying on the grass on a beautiful day I was both mesmerized and disgusted. What made this film so brutal was that it was plausible. This sort of thing could have happened. At first you are disgusted by the murder of the man until you see that he was the rapist. It brings out the vigilante in us. The rape scene which was so heatedly debated is prolonged, but it makes it more real to the audience flooding us with emotions. Terror, anger, outrage, sadness, agony. Make no mistake, this film was created to shock. To create debate. To force us to empathize. It is on tonight at 11:30 pm and while part of me wants to watch it again, I do not believe I have it in me to make it through it a second time. I believe it is an important film, well crafted in all facets, but it is a look into that darkest side of the human expereince.

Politics 101
Ignore the words and pay attention to the actions. Do not assign emotions to politicians for they assign none to you. Government officials recieve the bulk of their campaign donations from big business. Do not assume that those donations do not come with a price tag. Military campaigns rarely have anything to do with religion or goodwill. They are constructed to help attain more geo-political power, resources and/or defending existing interests. In other words, war is about money. Those countries which rely heavily upon oil resources have the most to lose by implementing environmental actions. Smokescreen plans like "The Clean Air Act" will never actually be implemented nor would they work in any case. Government leaders rely upon people being patriotic and/or devoted to that countries predominant religious beliefs. This makes the populace easier to control. Examine your wants, needs and desires and compare them to the average person living in another land. Most people want the same things out of life. Think about the animosity that exists between your land and another and where it comes from.
Ignore the words and pay attention to the actions. Do not assign emotions to politicians for they assign none to you. Government officials recieve the bulk of their campaign donations from big business. Do not assume that those donations do not come with a price tag. Military campaigns rarely have anything to do with religion or goodwill. They are constructed to help attain more geo-political power, resources and/or defending existing interests. In other words, war is about money. Those countries which rely heavily upon oil resources have the most to lose by implementing environmental actions. Smokescreen plans like "The Clean Air Act" will never actually be implemented nor would they work in any case. Government leaders rely upon people being patriotic and/or devoted to that countries predominant religious beliefs. This makes the populace easier to control. Examine your wants, needs and desires and compare them to the average person living in another land. Most people want the same things out of life. Think about the animosity that exists between your land and another and where it comes from.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Yet Another Talented Canuck Band (Elliott Brood)
It sucks that mainstream media focuses its attention on pop acts that sing the same stuff over and over when there are talented bands out there like Elliott Brood, Rogue Wave, The Arcade Fire, Lou Barlow etc... On the other hand, it kind of makes a music lover smile when they can dig up some music. It's almost like going on a treasure hunt.
It sucks that mainstream media focuses its attention on pop acts that sing the same stuff over and over when there are talented bands out there like Elliott Brood, Rogue Wave, The Arcade Fire, Lou Barlow etc... On the other hand, it kind of makes a music lover smile when they can dig up some music. It's almost like going on a treasure hunt.
What the Kids Had to Say
Theo and the girls spent the night at her mom's. In the morning my three beauties were going to the pool, but Theo's mom (Stefka) had other ideas and delayed them by panicking over nothing (which she and her exhusband are masters of) and guilting her daughter into taking more useless stuff home with her.
Theo: Mom, I am not taking that bag of stuff. You give it to me only because you don't have the heart to throw it out yourself, which I would gladly do for you if I had room in the car.
Stefka: How dare you. These are things of quality I feel you could use...
Cassidy: C'man mom. Let's go swimming.
Stefka: ...and they are not for the garbage.
Theo: You mean like this black, orange and green butter dish from the 70's with "Butter Me Up" written on it or this jar of capers from 1992?
Stefka: I got that butter dish in 1982 not the 70's...
Cassidy: Grandma, you're crazy. Let's go swimming. I love my dad. He's soooo funny. He makes me laugh. Ok bye grandma.
Stefka: A umm whaaa a huh.
The night previous they stayed at my father-in-laws place. Theo had plans with a friend and was taking the kids over to her house to play with her child. Grandpa had other ideas and a big fight unsued culminating in my wife having to break the news to a 4 year old that Rain wasn't coming to play with her, but instead going out with her Grandpa to Yorkdale. They discussed the events the next morning.
Theo: Dad, do you know how embarrassing that was for me to break those plans?
Gjoro: Oh c'mon man. She's four. She will get over it.
Theo: I'm sure she will, but her mother, on the other hand, who is one of my very best friends, was not at all impressed.
Gjoro: C'mon, Rain is eight. She doesn't want to play with a four year old. She was much more happy going to Yorkdale with me than going there.
Rain: Actually, Grandpa, I kinda would have liked to have gone to Hannah's to play a little more.
Gjoro: Oh.
Theo and the girls spent the night at her mom's. In the morning my three beauties were going to the pool, but Theo's mom (Stefka) had other ideas and delayed them by panicking over nothing (which she and her exhusband are masters of) and guilting her daughter into taking more useless stuff home with her.
Theo: Mom, I am not taking that bag of stuff. You give it to me only because you don't have the heart to throw it out yourself, which I would gladly do for you if I had room in the car.
Stefka: How dare you. These are things of quality I feel you could use...
Cassidy: C'man mom. Let's go swimming.
Stefka: ...and they are not for the garbage.
Theo: You mean like this black, orange and green butter dish from the 70's with "Butter Me Up" written on it or this jar of capers from 1992?
Stefka: I got that butter dish in 1982 not the 70's...
Cassidy: Grandma, you're crazy. Let's go swimming. I love my dad. He's soooo funny. He makes me laugh. Ok bye grandma.
Stefka: A umm whaaa a huh.
The night previous they stayed at my father-in-laws place. Theo had plans with a friend and was taking the kids over to her house to play with her child. Grandpa had other ideas and a big fight unsued culminating in my wife having to break the news to a 4 year old that Rain wasn't coming to play with her, but instead going out with her Grandpa to Yorkdale. They discussed the events the next morning.
Theo: Dad, do you know how embarrassing that was for me to break those plans?
Gjoro: Oh c'mon man. She's four. She will get over it.
Theo: I'm sure she will, but her mother, on the other hand, who is one of my very best friends, was not at all impressed.
Gjoro: C'mon, Rain is eight. She doesn't want to play with a four year old. She was much more happy going to Yorkdale with me than going there.
Rain: Actually, Grandpa, I kinda would have liked to have gone to Hannah's to play a little more.
Gjoro: Oh.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Home Alone
My lovely wife is away with our two beautiful children for a few days visiting family in Toronto. Lovely and beautiful for I am all alone which means the toilet seats are up, the dishes are in the sink and I am absolutely stuffed on junk food. Mmmmm, homemade pizza, donuts, M & M's. I feel so fat and happy.
My lovely wife is away with our two beautiful children for a few days visiting family in Toronto. Lovely and beautiful for I am all alone which means the toilet seats are up, the dishes are in the sink and I am absolutely stuffed on junk food. Mmmmm, homemade pizza, donuts, M & M's. I feel so fat and happy.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Movie Star Aspirations
You move to a soundtrack. You are hip and new, mellow with an edge with a good old light classic for an ending. Formulaic, yet done in a way that screams fresh and new with a twist. You begin dull, yet there is a creepy undertone that draws us in. You have us waiting. Are you a doomed character, about to witness or be subjected to a human crime, or are you an accomplice, are you about to use your shaky mixed up persona to commit some freaky act? Where are you going with this? Ah, so an act of desperation is it? We are to allow for your cold hearted treatment of the deceased due to the desperation you have for a better life. Your best friend will balance this even more as she/he clings onto an ordinary life to show us clearly that you can not settle for less. You fraud your way into a better life. You have money now. You can travel and search. Yet, you still remain in a mixed state of constant wonderment, shock, depression and sex. Give us the one night stand and full frontal nudity in an artful way. Give us the scene with you spending time with a happy family chatting about life over an exotic dish. The strobe light scene of you walking through a crowd with your eyes wide and face sweat covered. Do not end it! Just walk away down a country road, a garden path, sailing on a ferry, riding on a bus or train. Let us hang. Make us wonder so we can pretend you have depth, pretend we have depth, pretend there is depth. Make it simple enough so we can feel we know what is what. So we can have our opinion. So we can trash the flik. We need to make judgements on you for our own sense of self even though we really have no idea who you are. You are the superior character in a cast of dull underachievers and we relate to that. We might not admit to it, but even subconsciously we know it is there. So, now it is all over and the credits roll. Where will your name be? Assistant Key Grip? Boy in the Meadow? Girl at the Beauty Salon? Cab Driver in Spain? The Deceased? The Lead? The Writer? Every roll has its own perspective. Every perspective has its own judgements. So, who are you to judge?
You move to a soundtrack. You are hip and new, mellow with an edge with a good old light classic for an ending. Formulaic, yet done in a way that screams fresh and new with a twist. You begin dull, yet there is a creepy undertone that draws us in. You have us waiting. Are you a doomed character, about to witness or be subjected to a human crime, or are you an accomplice, are you about to use your shaky mixed up persona to commit some freaky act? Where are you going with this? Ah, so an act of desperation is it? We are to allow for your cold hearted treatment of the deceased due to the desperation you have for a better life. Your best friend will balance this even more as she/he clings onto an ordinary life to show us clearly that you can not settle for less. You fraud your way into a better life. You have money now. You can travel and search. Yet, you still remain in a mixed state of constant wonderment, shock, depression and sex. Give us the one night stand and full frontal nudity in an artful way. Give us the scene with you spending time with a happy family chatting about life over an exotic dish. The strobe light scene of you walking through a crowd with your eyes wide and face sweat covered. Do not end it! Just walk away down a country road, a garden path, sailing on a ferry, riding on a bus or train. Let us hang. Make us wonder so we can pretend you have depth, pretend we have depth, pretend there is depth. Make it simple enough so we can feel we know what is what. So we can have our opinion. So we can trash the flik. We need to make judgements on you for our own sense of self even though we really have no idea who you are. You are the superior character in a cast of dull underachievers and we relate to that. We might not admit to it, but even subconsciously we know it is there. So, now it is all over and the credits roll. Where will your name be? Assistant Key Grip? Boy in the Meadow? Girl at the Beauty Salon? Cab Driver in Spain? The Deceased? The Lead? The Writer? Every roll has its own perspective. Every perspective has its own judgements. So, who are you to judge?
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