Yesterday was the 65th birthday of Muhammad Ali. A great fighter, but more importantly a great man. During a time of heated racial tension and prejudice, Ali spoke his mind saying things that other black man would have been or were killed for. His stance against the Vietnam war, while many felt unpatriotic, was yet another example of his showing his passion and fortitude for an issue he felt strongly about. I remember growing up and hearing Ali described as a dumb spook who was just an ignorant coward. Times have certainly shown who the ignorant cowards were. Times have shown what an intelligent and strong man he was and is.

He is the greatest, no doubt. I remember going to see When We Were Kings with friends about a decade ago - great film, better than that Will Smith thingy.
My favourite quote was something like, "I'm so fast, I can flick off the light switch and get in bed before it's dark." Of course it rhymed however he said it. The first rapper.
I can't remember how the quote went exactly, but part of it was something like: "...I'm so bad I make medicine sick." There is a book out about his raps. I will be checking that out.
Certainly the greatest...ah, the rope a dope.
The book is called 'Ali Raps' and it was written by George Lois who was Esquire magazines art designer in 1968. He wanted to portray Ali on '68 cover as the roman martyr St. Sebastien. He phoned the then leader of the nation of Islam and asked if he could get Ali on the cover. Ali and Lois became friends after that.
check out the cover if you get a's pretty brilliant.
Sorry if this link fucks anything up braids.
I've been wanting to get it.
Thx, Krista. NPR has an interview with Lois which is good.
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