...and now for something completely positive....
Looking for info on Yes? Then check out their site at ---> http://www.yesworld.com/ . It took me awhile to get used to the bands vocals, but their progressive style and transcendental lyrics won me over. "And You and I" is my fave. Even the name of the band is positive. Also, this site is really cool ----> http://www.101windchimes.com/sounds.html
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Whilst surfing I happened upon this site ----> http://www.ubersite.com/ which I found ummmm ahhhh I found. I read a bit of one section on how this young person (I am assuming young) decided to use peer to peer networking for his amusement. He used audio files of Led Zeppelin, .38 Special, Billy Idol etc.. and changed the titles to things like "Naked boys dancing and eating cake." , "My Ex-Girlfriend mowing the lawn naked." , "Elephant cock horse." , "Grandma Bingo Sex." , "Girl on girl toe insertion (LEGAL)" etc.... Apparently he got a lot of hits on these titles. I think what I found even more entertaining are some of the replies he got to his posting. " whats wrong with wanting to see an emu take a dump?" "When I first downloaded "emu taking a dump" and was immediately disappointed, I never knew I would later find out that the author was you." "Its funny to change the name of a reo speedwagon clip to emu takin a dump, but whats terrible is people renaming 'hot anal gay sex' to 'kill bill vol2 dvdrip'. Bring death penalty back for those people!!" "Nice bullshit post. I tried to look up that shit, nothing showed up. I hope you get cancer." "jeanious" and my personal fave----> "Naked boys eating cake? Who are you? A fat scout master dishing out finger buns and saveloys? Poofter." If you peruse the site you will see many attractive titles that compel you to open and read of their content (much like watching a train wreck) such as Tattoos and Piercings are proof you are an asshole , Make others nervous around you in one easy step! , Why can't I get any lovin'?, I Was Raped By A Midget With Donkey Arms And All I Got Was This Crappy Hat, I Got Laid, I Got DWI, and I Caught a 50-Foot Shark , I ran over a hooker yesterday etc... Ladies and gentlemen I put it to you: Quality entertainment guaranteed to enrich your living experience. I blame budget cuts in education (and mental health) for the content on Ubersite.
Friday, August 27, 2004
The Cure
It seems Craig Killburn has a concert series airing for his latenight talkshow. I am not sure of the details. Perhaps this is temporary or an ongoing thing. It doesn't interest me that much. Flicking through the channels I happened upon his show and his guest was Robert Smith from "The Cure". Now, I have never been a fan of The Cure, but I have also never had any reason to dislike them. If a cd was playing of them it never bothered me and their persona never bothered me either. But....seeing Robert Smith doing an interview wearing red lipstick (mind you it was a nice shade) and his eyes painted black freaked me out a little. I mean the guy was born in '59. When The Cure arrived on the music scene I could relate to the makeup and the persona of Smith, but he's frickin' 45 yrs old. Hey, make a personal fashion statement if you want to, but change it up once in awhile. Imagine waking up to that look every morning of your life. I am in no way knocking the music of the group, what they have contributed to art, what they stand for etc..., but doesn't there come a point in ones life where such fashion statements become a little ridiculous? At one point it was "Look at me. I'm young, a popstar and a rebel and I'm cool." and I wouldn't argue with that. At another point it becomes "Look at me. I'm middle-aged, getting fat, wearing makeup, trying to look young and attract the dollars of youngsters." and that is a tad sad.
It seems Craig Killburn has a concert series airing for his latenight talkshow. I am not sure of the details. Perhaps this is temporary or an ongoing thing. It doesn't interest me that much. Flicking through the channels I happened upon his show and his guest was Robert Smith from "The Cure". Now, I have never been a fan of The Cure, but I have also never had any reason to dislike them. If a cd was playing of them it never bothered me and their persona never bothered me either. But....seeing Robert Smith doing an interview wearing red lipstick (mind you it was a nice shade) and his eyes painted black freaked me out a little. I mean the guy was born in '59. When The Cure arrived on the music scene I could relate to the makeup and the persona of Smith, but he's frickin' 45 yrs old. Hey, make a personal fashion statement if you want to, but change it up once in awhile. Imagine waking up to that look every morning of your life. I am in no way knocking the music of the group, what they have contributed to art, what they stand for etc..., but doesn't there come a point in ones life where such fashion statements become a little ridiculous? At one point it was "Look at me. I'm young, a popstar and a rebel and I'm cool." and I wouldn't argue with that. At another point it becomes "Look at me. I'm middle-aged, getting fat, wearing makeup, trying to look young and attract the dollars of youngsters." and that is a tad sad.
Richard Pryor
I was watching an episode of Saturday Night Live from the 70's last night which was hosted by Richard Pryor. He did this performance where he played an old man who was a drinker and a young man who is a junky living in the ghetto. This is his genius; making you laugh at an alcoholic and a junky struggling with poverty, yet at the same time conveying them as human allowing for empathy. The change from character to character is flawless and complete so much so that at moments you feel as if there were two of him on the stage. He ends the skit by having the old man state "You know what your problem is? You don't know how to deal with the white man! You got a white man complex. I know how to deal with him. That's why I'm in the position I'm in today." [drinks from the bottle, makes a face, screws the top back on, and pockets it] Thank you. [Much applause.] " This is the beauty of Pryor's comedy. That his plaintive messages are concealed just well enough to keep his audience engaged and highly entertained. There are and have been a great deal of talented comics through the years, but few of the level of genius of Richard Pryor.
I was watching an episode of Saturday Night Live from the 70's last night which was hosted by Richard Pryor. He did this performance where he played an old man who was a drinker and a young man who is a junky living in the ghetto. This is his genius; making you laugh at an alcoholic and a junky struggling with poverty, yet at the same time conveying them as human allowing for empathy. The change from character to character is flawless and complete so much so that at moments you feel as if there were two of him on the stage. He ends the skit by having the old man state "You know what your problem is? You don't know how to deal with the white man! You got a white man complex. I know how to deal with him. That's why I'm in the position I'm in today." [drinks from the bottle, makes a face, screws the top back on, and pockets it] Thank you. [Much applause.] " This is the beauty of Pryor's comedy. That his plaintive messages are concealed just well enough to keep his audience engaged and highly entertained. There are and have been a great deal of talented comics through the years, but few of the level of genius of Richard Pryor.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Cassie spins around and around in her little orange innertube bathing aparatus. Rain practices jumping into the water from the steps. Theo plays volleyball with the wall using a little turquoise coloured ball that doesn't bounce too well while she is wading in water up to her waist. I swim the length of the pool under the surface of the water studying the ripples reflected on the bottom. I am captivated by all these things. Happy family times.
Cassie spins around and around in her little orange innertube bathing aparatus. Rain practices jumping into the water from the steps. Theo plays volleyball with the wall using a little turquoise coloured ball that doesn't bounce too well while she is wading in water up to her waist. I swim the length of the pool under the surface of the water studying the ripples reflected on the bottom. I am captivated by all these things. Happy family times.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Theo,Rain, Cassidy and I were at a barbecue last night with our circle of friends and most of their children. As the festivities were winding down one of our friends commented about our plans to move from Toronto falling through. She said it all happens for a reason. Its interesting that when things don't work out for us that we come up with proverbs to make ourselves feel better about the situation. "God only gives us what we can handle" "All things happen for a reason" etc.... Well, dear reader, its a load of crap. There is no rhyme or reason to life. If you think God only gives you what you can handle I have a few friends over the years who would beg to differ (if they were still alive). Sure all things happen for a reason. There is a reason why I need to pee every morning upon waking. There is a reason for showering. A runner sprains her ankle during a marathon and everyone around her says it all happens for a reason. Yes it does. The reason being that she stepped on an oak root and sprained her ankle. There is no great connection to the cosmos in these actions. We did not find employment through the school board in the Grand Erie District for the simple fact that nepotism is alive and well in that board. It does not mean that we are meant to stay in Toronto to serve some higher purpose. It does not mean that God wanted us to stay here to serve his will. So the next time you find yourself saying that it all happens for a reason, realize that by taking a line like this seriously you are only fooling yourself or another.
Theo,Rain, Cassidy and I were at a barbecue last night with our circle of friends and most of their children. As the festivities were winding down one of our friends commented about our plans to move from Toronto falling through. She said it all happens for a reason. Its interesting that when things don't work out for us that we come up with proverbs to make ourselves feel better about the situation. "God only gives us what we can handle" "All things happen for a reason" etc.... Well, dear reader, its a load of crap. There is no rhyme or reason to life. If you think God only gives you what you can handle I have a few friends over the years who would beg to differ (if they were still alive). Sure all things happen for a reason. There is a reason why I need to pee every morning upon waking. There is a reason for showering. A runner sprains her ankle during a marathon and everyone around her says it all happens for a reason. Yes it does. The reason being that she stepped on an oak root and sprained her ankle. There is no great connection to the cosmos in these actions. We did not find employment through the school board in the Grand Erie District for the simple fact that nepotism is alive and well in that board. It does not mean that we are meant to stay in Toronto to serve some higher purpose. It does not mean that God wanted us to stay here to serve his will. So the next time you find yourself saying that it all happens for a reason, realize that by taking a line like this seriously you are only fooling yourself or another.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Monday, August 23, 2004
Mr. Security
I run into this man who lives in my building from time to time who is this security guru. Apparently he offers training to RCMP officers and various security agencies. I bumped into him the other night and we got chatting about geo-political power. He made a point that I had not considered dealing with Iraq. There are many reasons as to why the U.S. is in Iraq (almost all for money), but one reason that surprised me was to fight the war on terror. Mr. Security said it was actually an intelligence ploy to invade Iraq. They knew there were no weapons of mass destruction and no eminent threat was present. No surprise there, but he went on to say that by having U.S. troops in Iraq was a way to lure "terrorists" out into the open to fight the kind of war the U.S. can win. Scary thoughts creeped into my head. The worst was that Prez Bush jr might not be as stupid as he looks (although he really is). These are evil times we live in my friends and evil begets evil (that line might even be in the bible so you may want to look it up) (It might also be in "Paradise Lost" "The Inferno" or Cher infomercials). "If I could turn back time". Hehe what a world.
I run into this man who lives in my building from time to time who is this security guru. Apparently he offers training to RCMP officers and various security agencies. I bumped into him the other night and we got chatting about geo-political power. He made a point that I had not considered dealing with Iraq. There are many reasons as to why the U.S. is in Iraq (almost all for money), but one reason that surprised me was to fight the war on terror. Mr. Security said it was actually an intelligence ploy to invade Iraq. They knew there were no weapons of mass destruction and no eminent threat was present. No surprise there, but he went on to say that by having U.S. troops in Iraq was a way to lure "terrorists" out into the open to fight the kind of war the U.S. can win. Scary thoughts creeped into my head. The worst was that Prez Bush jr might not be as stupid as he looks (although he really is). These are evil times we live in my friends and evil begets evil (that line might even be in the bible so you may want to look it up) (It might also be in "Paradise Lost" "The Inferno" or Cher infomercials). "If I could turn back time". Hehe what a world.
I recently upgraded my MSN Messenger to the latest free version and much to my dissapointment a pop-up screen now follows every time I sign in. It isn't enough that MSN makes scads of money through software and hardware I guess. Everywhere I turn there is a billboard, flyer, electronic sign etc... My local ESSO station has video screens above the pumps now. I can ignore the visuals, but the audio is pumped out just loud enough to drown out traffic. Movie theaters allowing comercials as part of the previews has got me ticked off as well. Have you noticed that all of us need a lot of work? There is no advertising that says "Hey, you know what? You look good. Your weight is healthy. Your skin tone is wonderful. I love your hair. You smell good enough to get that girl without the aftershave. Our rye isn't that good, but for its price its a good buy. Ok, the beer parties won't be so glamorous and you probably won't score, but at least you'll be drunk for awhile which allows you a little escapism from your crappy life." And what are they really trying to sell us? The unattainable of course. It keeps us hungry for the next fix.
I recently upgraded my MSN Messenger to the latest free version and much to my dissapointment a pop-up screen now follows every time I sign in. It isn't enough that MSN makes scads of money through software and hardware I guess. Everywhere I turn there is a billboard, flyer, electronic sign etc... My local ESSO station has video screens above the pumps now. I can ignore the visuals, but the audio is pumped out just loud enough to drown out traffic. Movie theaters allowing comercials as part of the previews has got me ticked off as well. Have you noticed that all of us need a lot of work? There is no advertising that says "Hey, you know what? You look good. Your weight is healthy. Your skin tone is wonderful. I love your hair. You smell good enough to get that girl without the aftershave. Our rye isn't that good, but for its price its a good buy. Ok, the beer parties won't be so glamorous and you probably won't score, but at least you'll be drunk for awhile which allows you a little escapism from your crappy life." And what are they really trying to sell us? The unattainable of course. It keeps us hungry for the next fix.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Saturday, August 21, 2004
....and on the second day God created numbness....
We are numb from our summer ordeal. It has been a day since we dealt with the crushing defeat of having our dreams of moving squelched. It is all in my hands now and that requires me to finish up my school ASAP. Its a sad indictment of our education system (and society really) that your qualifications mean absolutely nothing unless they are desperately short staffed. One principal was good enough to tell us that he was like any other person in his position. He knew three people who had subbed at his school and that was his short list. He said that it made his life much easier by doing it this way instead of going through all the resumes etc... That just about all principals do it this way. So, our plan is to move to the outskirts of their school board which will allow Theo to commute and leave me to shmooze (I hope I spelled that right) by joining the PTA and volunteering my time to help the school out wherever I can. As Bob Dylan sang "You may be the devil or you may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody". I have always had a hard time with this crap. The system is set up that if you want to get ahead you have to kiss someone's ass. Sacrifice a little dignity for a better life. A fair trade? A little of your soul for some money? I am sure those of you that have already done this don't see it this way. I would gladly volunteer to help a school out (I do now) or join the PTA of my own free volition. Its being forced to find the right hoops to jump through that pisses me off. Anyways, I am still pissed off (I know I know) and so rant on.
We are numb from our summer ordeal. It has been a day since we dealt with the crushing defeat of having our dreams of moving squelched. It is all in my hands now and that requires me to finish up my school ASAP. Its a sad indictment of our education system (and society really) that your qualifications mean absolutely nothing unless they are desperately short staffed. One principal was good enough to tell us that he was like any other person in his position. He knew three people who had subbed at his school and that was his short list. He said that it made his life much easier by doing it this way instead of going through all the resumes etc... That just about all principals do it this way. So, our plan is to move to the outskirts of their school board which will allow Theo to commute and leave me to shmooze (I hope I spelled that right) by joining the PTA and volunteering my time to help the school out wherever I can. As Bob Dylan sang "You may be the devil or you may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody". I have always had a hard time with this crap. The system is set up that if you want to get ahead you have to kiss someone's ass. Sacrifice a little dignity for a better life. A fair trade? A little of your soul for some money? I am sure those of you that have already done this don't see it this way. I would gladly volunteer to help a school out (I do now) or join the PTA of my own free volition. Its being forced to find the right hoops to jump through that pisses me off. Anyways, I am still pissed off (I know I know) and so rant on.
Friday, August 20, 2004
Driving Adventures
Me and Theo alone in the car driving down a rural highway after we dropped off a resume in Langton. Music blaring and all smiles as we miss the turn-off for Port Rowan. Stop and turn back and miss the turn-off again. Laugh. Do a u-turn in front of the OPP station and make the turn. Roll into Port Rowan. Park. Go into a cafe for lunch. Chicken-cheddar-broccoli-chowder. Earl Grey. Old timers chatting over lunch. How he came to be the owner of a lumber mill? One day he had 3000 chickens and 600 pigs and he realized he hated farming. His wife asked what he was good at and he said nothing. It worked out well for him. Young woman at the counter makes me think about my girls. She says she loves Port Rowan. I picture Rain and Cassidy water skiing, playing baseball, soccer, skating. Back into the car and to Port Dover. We are so happy and full of hope. We fully savor the moment. A good thing too as the near future (now) isn't as nearly as beautiful, hopeful and full of life.
Me and Theo alone in the car driving down a rural highway after we dropped off a resume in Langton. Music blaring and all smiles as we miss the turn-off for Port Rowan. Stop and turn back and miss the turn-off again. Laugh. Do a u-turn in front of the OPP station and make the turn. Roll into Port Rowan. Park. Go into a cafe for lunch. Chicken-cheddar-broccoli-chowder. Earl Grey. Old timers chatting over lunch. How he came to be the owner of a lumber mill? One day he had 3000 chickens and 600 pigs and he realized he hated farming. His wife asked what he was good at and he said nothing. It worked out well for him. Young woman at the counter makes me think about my girls. She says she loves Port Rowan. I picture Rain and Cassidy water skiing, playing baseball, soccer, skating. Back into the car and to Port Dover. We are so happy and full of hope. We fully savor the moment. A good thing too as the near future (now) isn't as nearly as beautiful, hopeful and full of life.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
On Wasting Away
A friend who lives in one of the other buildings in our complex told me of a notice she received. It stated that all dogs (she has a jack russel two years younger than my Micmac) must not be allowed to pee anywhere on the grounds. I guess there were complaints. Seems people like to find things to complain about. How they plan to prevent dogs from peeing is another story, but the notices were sent. There are quite a number of elderly people who live in these buildings, many of who are really super nice folk. But, there are some who spend their days looking for "trouble". In the common area in our building a gang of old ladies (yes a gang---they are getting leather jackets and billy-clubs) screamed bloody murder when a couple let their children play in the lobby. Then they yelled when a group of three Italian retirees were meeting every evening in the lobby to talk. Their complaints apparently were enough to get letters sent to the "culprits" requesting they desist their clandestine maneuvers. And what does yours truly see occurring the last few weeks? Why these same old ladies sitting in the common area chatting away. Now, would any of you please just shoot me when/if I ever reach that stage in my old age where my life is concerned with where dogs pee, kids play (as long as its a safe area) or where friends gather in a common area to discuss life. I think we could all use a little work in this area in any case. I guess when you get older and don't have work to consume so much of your energy you pretty much have time to master the concept of inventing complaints to get emotional about. So, don't worry about who sleeps with who, who eats hotdogs, what your room-mate is wearing or that guy at the office who scratches his crotch a little too often. Just take care of your own crap. Spend a little more time figuring out who you are. What you want to be when you grow up.
A friend who lives in one of the other buildings in our complex told me of a notice she received. It stated that all dogs (she has a jack russel two years younger than my Micmac) must not be allowed to pee anywhere on the grounds. I guess there were complaints. Seems people like to find things to complain about. How they plan to prevent dogs from peeing is another story, but the notices were sent. There are quite a number of elderly people who live in these buildings, many of who are really super nice folk. But, there are some who spend their days looking for "trouble". In the common area in our building a gang of old ladies (yes a gang---they are getting leather jackets and billy-clubs) screamed bloody murder when a couple let their children play in the lobby. Then they yelled when a group of three Italian retirees were meeting every evening in the lobby to talk. Their complaints apparently were enough to get letters sent to the "culprits" requesting they desist their clandestine maneuvers. And what does yours truly see occurring the last few weeks? Why these same old ladies sitting in the common area chatting away. Now, would any of you please just shoot me when/if I ever reach that stage in my old age where my life is concerned with where dogs pee, kids play (as long as its a safe area) or where friends gather in a common area to discuss life. I think we could all use a little work in this area in any case. I guess when you get older and don't have work to consume so much of your energy you pretty much have time to master the concept of inventing complaints to get emotional about. So, don't worry about who sleeps with who, who eats hotdogs, what your room-mate is wearing or that guy at the office who scratches his crotch a little too often. Just take care of your own crap. Spend a little more time figuring out who you are. What you want to be when you grow up.
Monday, August 16, 2004
The Dude Strikes Again
The bank my wife and I deal with called the other day. I answered the phone as my wife was indisposed at that particular moment. They asked for her, but I told the employee she was busy and asked if I could help. This is pretty much that conversation:
Me: what's this concerning?
BE (Bank Employee): Its just a courtesy call, sir. We have some special deals going on to our customers at present.
Me: Really? I'm a customer of your bank. What's the deal?
BE: Well, its to do with special benefits we offer.
Me: Ok, so let me in on these special benefits.
BE: I'm sorry,sir, but I can't give this information over the phone.
Me: But I am her husband. We have loans through your bank. We were just pre-approved for a mortgage. We have joint accounts.
BE: I am sorry, sir. Is there a time when I can reach your wife to discuss this?
Me: No. There is not a time you can reach my wife and good luck trying to get a hold of her. "Click"
Is it me or have these corporations become completely insane? If you want to see the separation between church and state at its grandest you need look no further than the banks. They don't recognize marriage. Every "member" is an individual (cash cow) to them and they have developed a secret society over the years where everyone gets a super-secret password that not even your spouse can have access to. Through these practices I have deduced that banks are all actually related through a secret society. There are actually really no different banks. They are all the same corporation with different names to create an illusion. That's right people. Banks are a cover for the Free Masons. I know some of you are saying "Free Masons? How do I get one? The Mason we have working on our chimney is charging us $30.00 an hour." Well, I say to you, dear reader, that you are being ripped off much the same way your bank is stealing from you left and right. Do you see the correlation here? I rest my case.
The bank my wife and I deal with called the other day. I answered the phone as my wife was indisposed at that particular moment. They asked for her, but I told the employee she was busy and asked if I could help. This is pretty much that conversation:
Me: what's this concerning?
BE (Bank Employee): Its just a courtesy call, sir. We have some special deals going on to our customers at present.
Me: Really? I'm a customer of your bank. What's the deal?
BE: Well, its to do with special benefits we offer.
Me: Ok, so let me in on these special benefits.
BE: I'm sorry,sir, but I can't give this information over the phone.
Me: But I am her husband. We have loans through your bank. We were just pre-approved for a mortgage. We have joint accounts.
BE: I am sorry, sir. Is there a time when I can reach your wife to discuss this?
Me: No. There is not a time you can reach my wife and good luck trying to get a hold of her. "Click"
Is it me or have these corporations become completely insane? If you want to see the separation between church and state at its grandest you need look no further than the banks. They don't recognize marriage. Every "member" is an individual (cash cow) to them and they have developed a secret society over the years where everyone gets a super-secret password that not even your spouse can have access to. Through these practices I have deduced that banks are all actually related through a secret society. There are actually really no different banks. They are all the same corporation with different names to create an illusion. That's right people. Banks are a cover for the Free Masons. I know some of you are saying "Free Masons? How do I get one? The Mason we have working on our chimney is charging us $30.00 an hour." Well, I say to you, dear reader, that you are being ripped off much the same way your bank is stealing from you left and right. Do you see the correlation here? I rest my case.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Being There
I was delighted to see that tvo last night aired the movie "Being There" with Shirley McLean and Peter Sellers. This was Sellers swan song performance as Chance the gardener. It goes to show that not much has changed in the political game since 1971 when Jerzy Kosinski published his novel. It also takes a satirical look at television and the importance placed upon the sound byte to sway the masses. I mentioned that I watched this movie to an acquaintance earlier today and they said that they had watched some of the movie, but found it boring and stupid. I will save you the trouble and spare those of you that are of the like mind of this acquaintance; do not watch this movie (or read the novel) if you are shallow, self-serving or have a simplistic outlook upon the socio-politico-economic environment of the western world. Personally, if I had to have a "High Fidelity" top-ten moment, this movie would definitely crack the list. There are very few stories that relate how self-deceiving/self-serving this society really is and do it in such a multi-dimensional way. This is one of those stories that is the exception to the rule when movies are converted from novels. This movie truly takes on a higher life through this medium and allows for each event to demonstrate a facet of the illusionary world we live in. It is, indeed, an illusion within an illusion. "I have no use for those on welfare, no patience whatsoever.... But, if I am to be honest with myself, I must admit that they have no use for me, either." or "When I was a boy, I was told that the Lord fashioned us from his own image. That's when I decided to manufacture mirrors." So many perfect lines to quote from and so many ideas to fathom. "Life is a state of mind"
I was delighted to see that tvo last night aired the movie "Being There" with Shirley McLean and Peter Sellers. This was Sellers swan song performance as Chance the gardener. It goes to show that not much has changed in the political game since 1971 when Jerzy Kosinski published his novel. It also takes a satirical look at television and the importance placed upon the sound byte to sway the masses. I mentioned that I watched this movie to an acquaintance earlier today and they said that they had watched some of the movie, but found it boring and stupid. I will save you the trouble and spare those of you that are of the like mind of this acquaintance; do not watch this movie (or read the novel) if you are shallow, self-serving or have a simplistic outlook upon the socio-politico-economic environment of the western world. Personally, if I had to have a "High Fidelity" top-ten moment, this movie would definitely crack the list. There are very few stories that relate how self-deceiving/self-serving this society really is and do it in such a multi-dimensional way. This is one of those stories that is the exception to the rule when movies are converted from novels. This movie truly takes on a higher life through this medium and allows for each event to demonstrate a facet of the illusionary world we live in. It is, indeed, an illusion within an illusion. "I have no use for those on welfare, no patience whatsoever.... But, if I am to be honest with myself, I must admit that they have no use for me, either." or "When I was a boy, I was told that the Lord fashioned us from his own image. That's when I decided to manufacture mirrors." So many perfect lines to quote from and so many ideas to fathom. "Life is a state of mind"
Saturday, August 14, 2004
On Fame
Here is a tip for any of you out there thinking of becoming famous. You have to prepare yourself for the fall before you get into the thick of it. When you begin your ascension to stardom you must know deep down that once you have made it to the top the adoring public will be willing and quite happy to tear you down. This is just human nature. People feel great about supporting a winner, but love even more to turn a winner into a loser. That fall from grace makes a lot of people feel really good about themselves. So, know that this will come and enjoy the ride. Have fun with your downfall. Even ham it up like your a wrestler. Of course, this does not give you license to sell out to major corporations like The Who, Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin have in allowing their songs be used to sell cars, clothes and a way of life far from what they espoused in their younger days. Then again, they are really old and need a retirement home in Monaco.
Here is a tip for any of you out there thinking of becoming famous. You have to prepare yourself for the fall before you get into the thick of it. When you begin your ascension to stardom you must know deep down that once you have made it to the top the adoring public will be willing and quite happy to tear you down. This is just human nature. People feel great about supporting a winner, but love even more to turn a winner into a loser. That fall from grace makes a lot of people feel really good about themselves. So, know that this will come and enjoy the ride. Have fun with your downfall. Even ham it up like your a wrestler. Of course, this does not give you license to sell out to major corporations like The Who, Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin have in allowing their songs be used to sell cars, clothes and a way of life far from what they espoused in their younger days. Then again, they are really old and need a retirement home in Monaco.
We Got Called
Theo got a call from the reserve today requesting an interview. Dare we hope? Theo is trying not to get her hopes up so she is sulking and pouting as much as she can muster. Its funny that for years I have battled to get out of Toronto, but now that its a possibility it is Theo who is set on moving. If not for the kids I might even have backed out of moving, but the idea of having a backyard, nice house, home near their grandparents and a safer environment for them has tipped the scales. Being Mr. Mom for the last few years has really made me a better person.
Theo got a call from the reserve today requesting an interview. Dare we hope? Theo is trying not to get her hopes up so she is sulking and pouting as much as she can muster. Its funny that for years I have battled to get out of Toronto, but now that its a possibility it is Theo who is set on moving. If not for the kids I might even have backed out of moving, but the idea of having a backyard, nice house, home near their grandparents and a safer environment for them has tipped the scales. Being Mr. Mom for the last few years has really made me a better person.
Friday, August 13, 2004
On One of Those Days
I lay in the sand with Cassidy in my arms who continued to cry for the first hour. The wind whipped up the sand and stung your skin and there was no cover to be had. The sun shone down bright and hot and the waves crashed high. Ring-billed gulls hovered about waiting for the opportunity to pilfer anything edible you might have once you stepped away from your wares. When we got back to my mom's house I had grains of sand stuck all over my body and lake grass/weed as well. Cassidy stopped crying for all of about 30 minutes until she took her nap and I had to endure the conversation of two PMSing women. And I wouldn't have traded that day for the world.
I lay in the sand with Cassidy in my arms who continued to cry for the first hour. The wind whipped up the sand and stung your skin and there was no cover to be had. The sun shone down bright and hot and the waves crashed high. Ring-billed gulls hovered about waiting for the opportunity to pilfer anything edible you might have once you stepped away from your wares. When we got back to my mom's house I had grains of sand stuck all over my body and lake grass/weed as well. Cassidy stopped crying for all of about 30 minutes until she took her nap and I had to endure the conversation of two PMSing women. And I wouldn't have traded that day for the world.
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
My two year old has this special call which is exclusively for my benefit. It is this guttural cat with a hairball sound which, if she could speak in this manner, would be akin to the possessed little girl from the exorcist. She will not quit until I return the call and I cannot seem to break this habit. She is so stubborn that she will not give it up. She calls me all the time "Daddy. Daddy. Daddy", but two or three times a day I must answer the call or be doomed to hours of freaky exorcist sounds. My sister has named her "Quest for Fire", but that moniker (great word) is dying off as she begins to talk more. Ah the joys of parenthood.
My two year old has this special call which is exclusively for my benefit. It is this guttural cat with a hairball sound which, if she could speak in this manner, would be akin to the possessed little girl from the exorcist. She will not quit until I return the call and I cannot seem to break this habit. She is so stubborn that she will not give it up. She calls me all the time "Daddy. Daddy. Daddy", but two or three times a day I must answer the call or be doomed to hours of freaky exorcist sounds. My sister has named her "Quest for Fire", but that moniker (great word) is dying off as she begins to talk more. Ah the joys of parenthood.
On the Native Front
I am an assistant manager for a native website and have been given the official title of "Scholar and Gatekeeper". What it really amounts to is me helping out in the decision making process, but mostly it is to write all the legal stuff associated with this lodge and say whatever needs to be said to the members. Today was very interesting as a number of us got together for a chat. I was appalled at the dramatics employed, especially those from the "elders", that I now stand believing that it is totally impossible to make these web groups work as far as spirituality is concerned. I am excited that Theo has a good chance at a job on a reservation for the fall, close to where we want to live. I believe that will be the imputus for me to actually learn face to face which really is the only way. I begin to understand why it is an oral tradition and not a written one. Words can be so beautiful, soulful, poetic etc... but it is next to impossible to convey a spiritual event in words. So much feeling cannot be written.
I am an assistant manager for a native website and have been given the official title of "Scholar and Gatekeeper". What it really amounts to is me helping out in the decision making process, but mostly it is to write all the legal stuff associated with this lodge and say whatever needs to be said to the members. Today was very interesting as a number of us got together for a chat. I was appalled at the dramatics employed, especially those from the "elders", that I now stand believing that it is totally impossible to make these web groups work as far as spirituality is concerned. I am excited that Theo has a good chance at a job on a reservation for the fall, close to where we want to live. I believe that will be the imputus for me to actually learn face to face which really is the only way. I begin to understand why it is an oral tradition and not a written one. Words can be so beautiful, soulful, poetic etc... but it is next to impossible to convey a spiritual event in words. So much feeling cannot be written.
Monday, August 09, 2004
On Overhearing a Conversation
My wife and daughter of five were chatting the other day and this cracked me up:
Rain: Mom, can you buy me a camera?
Theo: Well, I think you're a bit too young to have a camera.
Rain: Oh Mom
Theo: No honey. You are too young. I'll buy you a camera when you are eight ok.
Rain: Ok mommy and when I turn eight and you give me the camera I will pretend to be surprised.
My wife and daughter of five were chatting the other day and this cracked me up:
Rain: Mom, can you buy me a camera?
Theo: Well, I think you're a bit too young to have a camera.
Rain: Oh Mom
Theo: No honey. You are too young. I'll buy you a camera when you are eight ok.
Rain: Ok mommy and when I turn eight and you give me the camera I will pretend to be surprised.
To You Know Who
Some day you might see that I am not as crazy as you actually believe me to be. And some day you might never need that vengeance. And some day you might just realize that we were both in the same boat. And some day you might realize that we were all just trying to survive. And some day you might realize that survival makes people do desperate things. And some day you might realize that it really is just about the love and that the hate kills more of you than of the other. And some day you will realize your death and then you will have known your life. And some day there will be endless possibilities.
Some day you might see that I am not as crazy as you actually believe me to be. And some day you might never need that vengeance. And some day you might just realize that we were both in the same boat. And some day you might realize that we were all just trying to survive. And some day you might realize that survival makes people do desperate things. And some day you might realize that it really is just about the love and that the hate kills more of you than of the other. And some day you will realize your death and then you will have known your life. And some day there will be endless possibilities.
On the Delicate Balance
My friend James is a medicine man and has taught me some very valuable lessons and made me aware of things I knew, but did not know. For instance, learning how to keep a foot in each world. For me it is this western world in which I live and the spiritual world where I dwell. I have found it difficult in the past to not allow myself to get caught up in the dramas we very often create. There have been so many pointless trivialities that I have allowed myself to fixate on that have at times actually hurt my spirit by my failing to follow my heart. As I grow older I become more relaxed and happy and it becomes clearer on how I shall rid myself of the baggage I have accrued. Conversely, I know many people who follow a Native American spiritual path who (in my opinion) go way too far. I often see those who have turned this path into the same dogmatic organized religious orders that control and infect the minds of a large portion of this world. There are so many who give everything to "God" (insert whatever figure you like) and nothing of themselves. Its almost as if they have stopped taking responsibility for anything they might have done or will do which is a sorry way to live your life as well as a pretty convenient way to escape lifes bumps and bruises. But, it is very possible to keep a foot in each world and to gain a balance in your life without any form of extremism. Of course, this is my belief and you may completely disagree.
My friend James is a medicine man and has taught me some very valuable lessons and made me aware of things I knew, but did not know. For instance, learning how to keep a foot in each world. For me it is this western world in which I live and the spiritual world where I dwell. I have found it difficult in the past to not allow myself to get caught up in the dramas we very often create. There have been so many pointless trivialities that I have allowed myself to fixate on that have at times actually hurt my spirit by my failing to follow my heart. As I grow older I become more relaxed and happy and it becomes clearer on how I shall rid myself of the baggage I have accrued. Conversely, I know many people who follow a Native American spiritual path who (in my opinion) go way too far. I often see those who have turned this path into the same dogmatic organized religious orders that control and infect the minds of a large portion of this world. There are so many who give everything to "God" (insert whatever figure you like) and nothing of themselves. Its almost as if they have stopped taking responsibility for anything they might have done or will do which is a sorry way to live your life as well as a pretty convenient way to escape lifes bumps and bruises. But, it is very possible to keep a foot in each world and to gain a balance in your life without any form of extremism. Of course, this is my belief and you may completely disagree.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Again....On Being Profound
Excuse the last post. It was a little weak I admit, bit it served that particular moment well. What tripped me was reading my sisters blog to which I found a link to another site that happened to have a number of people from our hometown. I read some of their blogs and became a little philosophical. One idea was 'why do we do this?'. I'm not exactly sure why I am writing these ideas where by chance a reader might come upon them. Are we looking for attention? Is this really a mechanical diary in which we have left the drawer open so that mom and dad can see what a good person they raised? Is this a cyber personality contest? Perhaps (and I am hopeful this might be the heart of the matter) we all just want to make some sort of contact so others can see we are decent, caring people. That this is a search into ones soul and a way to bring ourselves outside of our walls so we can explore our creative sides a little. Investigate our wit, passion, compassion, cynicism etc.... In any case I am consoled in the fact that I cannot see you rolling your eyes at me.
Excuse the last post. It was a little weak I admit, bit it served that particular moment well. What tripped me was reading my sisters blog to which I found a link to another site that happened to have a number of people from our hometown. I read some of their blogs and became a little philosophical. One idea was 'why do we do this?'. I'm not exactly sure why I am writing these ideas where by chance a reader might come upon them. Are we looking for attention? Is this really a mechanical diary in which we have left the drawer open so that mom and dad can see what a good person they raised? Is this a cyber personality contest? Perhaps (and I am hopeful this might be the heart of the matter) we all just want to make some sort of contact so others can see we are decent, caring people. That this is a search into ones soul and a way to bring ourselves outside of our walls so we can explore our creative sides a little. Investigate our wit, passion, compassion, cynicism etc.... In any case I am consoled in the fact that I cannot see you rolling your eyes at me.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Friday, August 06, 2004
On Gurus
I had to cancel our annual trip to our camping spot this summer. This is the first time in almost ten years we won't make it. So....this is a very depressing household today. I was in such a funk that I just lay in bed all day moping. And I thought of the teachings of wiser people than myself who might say "You create your own happiness. Life is lived within the moment wherever you are. Happiness is a choice you make as is sadness." And then I thought "Fuck you Jack. This was Agawa Bay. Ancient pines. Sand and stone. Waterfalls. Watching my girls have the time of their lives." Damn stupid Gurus.
I had to cancel our annual trip to our camping spot this summer. This is the first time in almost ten years we won't make it. So....this is a very depressing household today. I was in such a funk that I just lay in bed all day moping. And I thought of the teachings of wiser people than myself who might say "You create your own happiness. Life is lived within the moment wherever you are. Happiness is a choice you make as is sadness." And then I thought "Fuck you Jack. This was Agawa Bay. Ancient pines. Sand and stone. Waterfalls. Watching my girls have the time of their lives." Damn stupid Gurus.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
I Am So Lost
I must admit to not understanding the whole Hilary Duff, Olsen twins, Paris Hilton phenomina. I mean I get it, but whoa what the hell. People really want to know whats going on in the lives of these "stars". I was watching a movie and a newsbreak came on and announced Dustin Hoffman was recovering from a bee sting and that he had medication with him to treat his allergy. I thought 'Who the fuck cares if he got stung by a bee. If he dies from a bee sting let me know, but otherwise air something noteworthy'. As a matter of fact I don't really care if you announce his death or not unless of course his last wish was to be buried wearing his costume from "Tootsie". At least that would be halfway entertaining. Is the worlds population stupid enough to drive itself to extinction while it places more importance on Paris Hilton pretending to be a police officer over creating a sustainable green environment? Oh of course it is that stupid. Don't be silly. On my next post there may be some skinny on Avril Lavigne.
I must admit to not understanding the whole Hilary Duff, Olsen twins, Paris Hilton phenomina. I mean I get it, but whoa what the hell. People really want to know whats going on in the lives of these "stars". I was watching a movie and a newsbreak came on and announced Dustin Hoffman was recovering from a bee sting and that he had medication with him to treat his allergy. I thought 'Who the fuck cares if he got stung by a bee. If he dies from a bee sting let me know, but otherwise air something noteworthy'. As a matter of fact I don't really care if you announce his death or not unless of course his last wish was to be buried wearing his costume from "Tootsie". At least that would be halfway entertaining. Is the worlds population stupid enough to drive itself to extinction while it places more importance on Paris Hilton pretending to be a police officer over creating a sustainable green environment? Oh of course it is that stupid. Don't be silly. On my next post there may be some skinny on Avril Lavigne.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
On the Planet
With everyone in the western world believing it their right and privilege to over populate, drive, air condition and generally waste as much energy as they like, one can safely bet on humanity continuing onward towards its mass suicide. Unless of course we can make saving the planet a trendy issue to focus on much like this seasons garb on sale at The Gap.
With everyone in the western world believing it their right and privilege to over populate, drive, air condition and generally waste as much energy as they like, one can safely bet on humanity continuing onward towards its mass suicide. Unless of course we can make saving the planet a trendy issue to focus on much like this seasons garb on sale at The Gap.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Sunday, August 01, 2004
My wife informs me that she was unhappy with the previous point and I would just like to state to all of you that I was only joking. She is the ruler of the home and is the better decorator. I of course would never ever consider supposing for one second that I was a better decorator. She is also smart, funny, sexy, charming, wise and exceptionally beautiful.
My wife informs me that she was unhappy with the previous point and I would just like to state to all of you that I was only joking. She is the ruler of the home and is the better decorator. I of course would never ever consider supposing for one second that I was a better decorator. She is also smart, funny, sexy, charming, wise and exceptionally beautiful.
On Homes
Theo and I have been visiting the town of Port Dover over the last few years since my parents moved there. We have fallen in love with this town for its charm and its ethics. We are trying, with all our might, to land a job there for her so we can relocate and move into one of only a few (10ish perhaps) dream homes. Our latest find has us arguing over roof colour (its a steel roof) and what we want to do with the vinyl siding (yellow). I am letting her think she is getting her way at the moment, but when (being positive here) we move into this house my plan will come into being and I will once again be supreme ruler of our home. Silly woman---you are no match for the Chard!
Theo and I have been visiting the town of Port Dover over the last few years since my parents moved there. We have fallen in love with this town for its charm and its ethics. We are trying, with all our might, to land a job there for her so we can relocate and move into one of only a few (10ish perhaps) dream homes. Our latest find has us arguing over roof colour (its a steel roof) and what we want to do with the vinyl siding (yellow). I am letting her think she is getting her way at the moment, but when (being positive here) we move into this house my plan will come into being and I will once again be supreme ruler of our home. Silly woman---you are no match for the Chard!
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