Thursday, October 19, 2006


Wow, no youtube posting this time. You gotta admit youtube is a great site. It has just about anything you could think of. I digress. Botox. I opened up my servers homepage and am greeted with "Botox For Beginners". Society places way too much emphasis on appearance, but to actually poison yourself (botox contains the same toxins found in food poisoning) defies logic. If you want to have a younger than your years appearance why not exercise a little. But more pointedly, why not grow old gracefully. The image that women have to live up to (and men which is gaining steam)is an impossibility. The image is unattainable unless you starve yourself, poison your face, get your breasts done and get lyposuction which is what the industry wants you to do. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all accept that different is beautiful? Personally, I find the altered woman unattractive at best. Moreover, the desire to cosmetically alter ones appearance is an admittal of dissatisfaction with ones self. It is not an external cureall, but rather an internal psychological problem with the belief that fixing any percieved external flaw one can cure the inner self. Of course, the reality is that unless one can accept themselves for who they are they will never gain the happiness they long for. Also, that this article was given a prominent place on the page is dissapointing. That such a technique is now considered mainstream news is a sad indictment not only on our media, but society as well. Thats my take on it.


Krista said...

Yup, humans are a pretty fucked up bunch. Considering all the non cosmetic applications for botox - migraine headaches, excessive sweating and many forms of chronic pain, it's laughable that we use it chiefly for...making our lips look like we've sucked off a steam pipe. Now, I'm undecided about how I feel about cosmetic surgery as I've never found myself in the position of being that unhappy with any part of myself. Lately, I have read a few articles about the move to be more moderate about the use of such things. It's fucking creeping talking to someone who looks surprised all the time no matter what they are reacting too. I feel like its a western thing to just go overboard with this stuff.

Ms. Wilderness said...

I was at a party awhile ago with a woman who could not frown. Botox. Yup. She was showing it off. It freaked me out. Alot.

Our culture is addicted to trying to solve problems and unhappiness with appearances. Sick sick...


Troubles Braids said...

Yea, it's hard having a conversation with people who always looked surprised. I feel so pressured. I have to keep making comments like "They are closer to curing lymphomic cancer", "The Maple Leafs have captured a Sasquatch in Northern Ontario and are teaching it to forecheck aggressively" or "With lips like yours you would make a great fluffer in the porn industry".

Krista said...

Heh heh.