Friday 13th
Most places I have been to talk about it being Friday the 13th and how it's supposed to be an unlucky day or filled with superstitious ideas. In Port Dover, depending on your view of bikers, it's a day that brings in a whole shitload of cash to the area. It's cold and raining and last night it snowed here for about 6 hours, but the place is still rocking with bikers. It is Canada's largest motorcycle event and the town shuts down to accomodate all the people. We are talking hundreds of thousands of visitors who spend millions of dollars. A small sacrifice to pay to ensure our local programs get funded. I went to my first Friday the 13th 3 summers ago. I remember walking down Main St. amid the loud, gaudy, smoggy and nauseating throng and was treated to a morbidly obese male biker lifting his shirt up and stroking his nipples followed by a 17 yr old pregnant girl with beer in one hand and smoke in the other. Makes you feel all juicy don't it. Not to paint an altogether biased masterpiece, I should mention that the majority of people are really cool, no trouble and are just having fun, which is all fine by us townfolk.
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