Monday, June 09, 2003


Many people were against the "liberation" of Iraq and many discussions and politicing have gone on during and since. The reasons for invasion were varied, but the one people seemed to hone in on the most was the idea of freeing a tyranized people. Now if that were the case alone most people would back the idea of liberation for the people of Iraq, but doesn't it begin to seem like the motivation for "freeing" the Iraqi people was initiated entirely by something other reason? You could make the argument that it was to destroy the countries weapons of mass destruction, but then again you would have to be able to find them to prove they actually existed . Its a big country though. I'm sure they are hidden somewhere special away from anywhere a military installation might be. For now, though, we must concede that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction (at least to the degree the US govt would have us beleive) and that the country was of no imminent threat to anyone other than themselves. "He was a brutal dictator who had to be removed for the good of the people." I don't disagree with that sentiment. He was a monster there is no doubt. that one monster is down who is next? Why stop at one villain? Why not try to bring peace to the rest of the world? Recently we have been hearing more about the problems of the Congo. Nevermind that for years there has been war there and that over a million have died there in the last ten years. The Ugandan forces have pulled out and left the country feuding once again. So where are these great liberators? Lots of people being killed in the Congo and the everyday people are repressed and murdered without cause. Where is Tony Blair? Where is George Bush? This is where you can make the case that Iraq was a grab for oil resources. One of the first missions for "coalition" troops was to protect oil wells. Apparently this was for the Iraqi peoples interest and had nothing to do with the fact that the French, Germans and Russians would lose huge contracts for oil development leaving control to the US. It had nothing to do with tearing down a very rich resource country and gaining all the contracts to rebuild it with payment being made in the form of free oil. Tell me it had nothing to do with geo-political power. If it wasn't a resource grab and these governments were actually concerned for the well being of the freedom of the Iraqi people could we not expect to see peace keepers in resource poor countries such as Rwanda or the Congo? Oh wait! There are peacekeepers in the Congo. French peacekeepers. Enjoy your freedom fries.

Friday, June 06, 2003

Young Darkcloud

Leaning against the railing she looks over at me almost smiling, looking unsure, but strangley happy not unlike the mood created by an opium high or a manic moment. As I approach she comes up the steps a little like she wants to meet me. I put on my sour grownup face and walk by ignoring her. I can see something is not right. The energy all about her is all wrong. She slinks back down the stairs to await for her bus making eye contact with me one last quick moment. I'm around the corner and out of sight. Back into the building and onto the elevator I go back to warm quiet safety. Everyone is sleeping here. I can't stop thinking about her.
Its late in the evening as I make my way to the river where my medicine wheel sits. As I walk along the path I am startled by movement across from me. I squint into the darkness and see its a deer. No, its two....three deer. Three deer looking at me. The first bows its head to me and walks on. The second follows suit and then the third. I feel like woodland royalty. Elated. I watch them go until they are out of site and even then I stand my ground relishing the few moments that just passed. Finally, I make way to the medicine wheel and go into a meditation. I feel energized and peaceful. I climb back up the bank and follow the path out to the building grounds. At the border there she is. She's taking a late night walk of her own. Yound Darkcloud swimming in wavering energy. This time we greet one another and she seems surprised that I say hello. We then go our seperate ways and I begin to wonder why/who she is. I can't stop thinking about her. Why such a dark cloud? Are you all alone? Did something happen to you? Why can't I stop thinking about you?
Out I go again to walk the dog for the last time of the day. We walk around the building and as we come around the last corner we cross ther road to allow a neighbour and her old grouchy dog to procede. I walk around the bushes and back across the road past a taxi waiting for a fare. I open the front door to the building and there she is coming towards me with flowers in her hair wearing a trench coat. Some of the dress/evening gown sneaks out from under the trench coat and blinds me in a tacky mesmerizing floral pattern. I open the door for her and say hello and study her too painted face. She returns a hello but looks away as if shamed for some reason or maybe its disdain for me being a man. I don't know. I don't turn to see. I walk into the elevator she just departed. It smells of lavendar and earth and it brings me to her. Where are you going young Darkcloud? Out on a call? Is that your little secret? Is that why your soul is wavering so? Will you return with those flowers in your hair? Why do I care?