Thursday, February 16, 2006

D & D's Diner

This little restaurant we had passed numerous times finally called out to us a few weeks ago. The service was good, the place was "nice" (frilly and filled with teddybears and hearts and other vomitous debris) and the food was.....ah....mediocre at best, but the kids liked it enough. We had a nice four seater table right next to the gas fireplace. A few nights ago we decided to stop in again and give it another try. I had the pickerel/shrimp platter with fries and slaw and a pepsi, Theo had a Mexican dish which was very hard to screw up and the girls had chicken and fries. The pickerel was bland and greasy, the shrimp was scary, and the fries were surely meant for one of the local pig farmers. I dared order dessert feeling they had to get something right, yet felt sure this would also end badly, so I ordered lemon meringue pie being the optimist. I had to peel the top layer of meringue off as it was rubber and the filling was far too tart and sweet while the crust was soggy. And now I will always associate the D & D Diner with the phrase "They did not once disappoint to disappoint me". I could honestly say the pepsi was the best part of that meal.

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