Thursday, February 09, 2006

Rain Girl Makes Me Beam

I went to Rains school today to watch her do her speach. I forgot they have orals for primary kids too. She had to go first and took a few seconds and a lot of smiling and nodding from myself and her teacher to get going, but once she opened her mouth the words came out eloquently. I could not stop smiling at her. Even after she sat down and other children told their stories I kept looking over at her beaming like a mad idiot. She fidgeted and sucked her cheeks in and made fish faces. Later in the day we went to pick up Theo from school so for the drive I bought the girls a discman and two sets of headphones so they could listen to what they want. Its so cute watching them when Bohemian Rhapsody plays (one of their fave songs). Rain gets a far away look like the song is reaching her on a very deep level while Cassidy sings Galileo Galileo as Gowwawayo Gowwawayo. Tonight the song "Birdhouse in Your Soul" by They Might Be Giants was playing and they were both singing louder than I am sure they realized. The one lyric goes "Not to put too fine a pine on it, say I'm the only bee in your bonnet..." which Rain sings as "Not to put too fine a pine on it, say I'm the only bee you're a butthead..." Someday I will show her the real lyrics, but for now I will continue to use it as a constant happy pill.

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