Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Cure Must Be Had!

About 15 years ago I was stricken with terrible back pain which resulted in my being off of work for about 8 weeks. The ailment has been revisited upon me once again and I have been made pretty much sedentary because of it. Yet, due to PMS, my wife last night let me know how upset she was with me for not putting the girls to bed stating that my life right now is all fun and games while she toils away to the point where she is ready to "black-out". Theo is available for "black-outs" or "pass-outs" frequently so one must be sharp as a tack to see the signs. Luckily for me I can read her mind and know exactly when to step in, but due to the extreme pain I have been in I guess my sensory perception must be off a little. I have also learned that diplomacy and mock sympathy wins out over "What are you, nuts?" "What have you been sniffing?" or "There is nothing wrong with you that a little proszac and a hammer couldn't fix." For most of each month I am very loved and appreciated, but those few days are subject to "discussions" of varying severity often dependent on proximity. Of course when she intimates to me "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING AND WHY AREN"T YOU HELPING ME YOU LAZY NO GOOD BASTARD" I merely reply "I am doing something to show how much I love my wonderful wife and how I still to this day am dazzled by her beauty, sensuality and intelligence." The problem then becomes controlling the crying jag, but the upside is that I then become a great and sensitive man who can do no wrong.

1 comment:

Ms. Wilderness said...

At our most vulnerable we want affection. You know, us girls. That is the time we most need reassurance. Nip the bitchiness in the bud with smooches, praise, a foot rub -- If only to save you valuable time in the doghouse, or in discussion ;) We are hormones bitches.